英语人>词典>英汉 : algae的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

algae ['ælgi:]


[变形] alga的复数形式


藻类, 海藻


藻类, 海藻

Animal / 动物 [799]

woolly rhinoceros  ·  woolly mammoth  ·  woolly bear caterpillar  ·  wild cat  ·  western meadowlark  ·  Umbrellabird  ·  Treefrog  ·  thresher shark  ·  Swallowtail Butterfly  ·  spiny lizard

Ocean / 海洋 [142]

moray eel  ·  marine life  ·  manta ray  ·  humpback whale  ·  giant squid  ·  euphotic zone  ·  brittle star  ·  intertidal zone  ·  mako shark  ·  orca

更多 网络例句 与algae相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper fristly compared the fertile soil with the incinerated sterile soil on the number of micro-algae , soil pH value , soil organic matter soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen.And then, the author put fertile soil, which included micro-algae, proportionally into sterile samples and cultivated them respectively under illumination condition (micro-algae can live and reproduce)and dark condition(micro-algae will die in some time).The above indices were measured in 0, 30, 60 and 90days respectively, The analyse of the interrelation between the change of micro-algae"s number and the changes of soil pH value, soil organic matter, soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen indicated:Soil micro-algae which were native to fertile soil conld adapt to the changed circumstance and light acted as a decisive role to the distribution of soil micro-algae.Under dark condition,the micro-algae"s number declined gradually and went to zero in the end,while under illumination condition ,on the 90th day, the micro-algaes number of per gramme was 6-7 times more than that of the beginning.


The main reasons were that the algae and organism in the water decreased the ability of removing pollutants by coagulations, the algae which grown again in the open sedimentation tank weakened the removal effect of algae by coagulation; because of the accumulation of algae and algae toxin in the filtration tank, the concentration of algae toxin in the effluent increased; by the function of fluid chlorine, the algae and organisms after the filtration will release microalgae toxin and produce a lot of byproduct such as microalgae toxin, sobomyl and so on, meanwhile, the chlorination produce considerable halide and halo-acetic acid and other disinfection byproduct.


It"s considered that the algae blooms control function in the algae"s growth dynamics model is influenced mostly by the water temperature, sun illumination, water flow speed and the concentration of the nutriment in water. A function including the four elements was built. By using cell mapping algorithm and contacting with the practical water condition of the Wujiang river and the Hanjiang river we analyzed and computed the algae blooms in the two areas and found the result was very near to the practical result. And we found that the ascend of water temperature and the descend of the water flow speed will contribute to the growth of algae and the nutriment is the substance basis of the algae blooms but not the only element. It must be under the condition of condign water temperature, enough sun illumination, slow water flow and abundant nutriment that algae blooms may break out unexpectedly.


更多网络解释 与algae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可以分枝或不分枝. 在构造上一般无组织分化,无中柱和胚胎. 第一节 藻类(Algae) 藻类植物含有各种不同的色素,能进行光合作用,生活方式为自养. 不同的


文章题目:摄影术(Photography)与艺术的关系文章题目:香农(Shannon)信息编码定理Information theory文章题目:海藻(algae)研究文章题目:照相和艺术文章题目:金星(Venus)凌日


每一个人的细胞有30亿个DNA,而有些藻(algae)细胞所含DNA却高达2000亿以上**. 为什麽海藻要有那麽多DNA呢?为什麽海藻不耐心地等待,在达尔文主义所建议的"进化"过程中来"添置"DNA呢?科学家除惊叹之外,还没有好的答案.


成为点燃妳性感魅力的引信 亲肤性的天然色素有着优越的显色度 LASTING PRIMER更让颜色长时间服贴、不晕染持续一整天 内含茉莉、琉璃苣、药蜀葵等有机食用花瓣成份,避免敏感干燥 维他命E有效避免氧化 更运用深海藻类(Algae)和尿囊素(ALLANTOIN)强力保湿帮助深层锁水、预防老化唇纹 维持双唇滑嫩健康,

brown algae:褐藻

矽藻(Diatom)就是一般水族爱好者口中所称呼的褐藻(brown algae). 矽藻可说是地球上最重要的生物之一,占了整个地球总生物质量的 1/4,况且单单矽藻就能提供地球上 30% 的氧气供应量,而大型生物如鲸鱼或微小生物如细菌者,也都以要矽藻为生.

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