airbag ['ɛəbæg]
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- airballoon
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Car / 车
wheel well · warning light · two-door · turbo charger · trip computer · trailer hitch · temperature gauge · stretch limo · sports utility vehicle · side mirror
Driver / 驾驶
yellow light · van pool · u-turn · truck stop · switchbacks · speed bump · S-curve · road trip · road rage · Road Closed
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A new study idea that makes the occupant injury prevention research and CAD/CAE technology on an integrate mathematical model by means of feature theories and feature design technologies was brought, and it is maybe useful if we study automobile passive safety on a new view of point.The conclusions of this thesis included that what are the main factors of airbag-related injuries and the preventive measures, based on the research of the relationships between injury parameters, such as HIC, chest acceleration, neck force, neck moment, femur axial force etc, and impact speed, belt-use, occupant size (50th and 5th), sitting position and so on. The thesis evaluated whether the effectiveness of the airbag can be increased by making the airbag adaptive to the crash conditions, and points out that the size of the ventilation hole has the dominating influence on the performance of the airbag and is a key factor for intelligent airbag, multi-stage and lower-power inflator can cost effectively minimize the risk of injury to occupants from crashes. It is important for the researchers of intelligent airbag to keep the small size unbelted occupants in focus and it is necessary to study deeply the influence of airbag fold patterns and the extremity out-of-position situation. These topics are important in the study of occupant injury prevention and vehicle safety design.
论文研究得出产生气囊损伤的主要原因和防护措施;在研究汽车碰撞速度、安全带使用情况、乘员的体型5~(th和50~、乘员乘坐的位置等不同事故条件作用下,乘员的头部、颈部、胸部和腿部损伤参数变化规律的基础上,论文从能量因素出发,深入研究了安全气囊卸载能力、气体发生器产气能力和气囊折叠对乘员损伤参数的影响,指出起卸载作用的排气孔其截面积是智能型安全气囊最重要的控制参数之一,以及采用降能展开或二次充气气囊有助于提高汽车安全防护性等重要结论;论文在参数分析的基严内容提要2 础上得出的智能型安全气囊应以不佩戴安全带的5乘员作为主要防护目标进行研究、有必要深入研究气囊折叠形式和司机处于极端离位状况时对损伤参数的影响等结论,对深入进行汽车乘员碰撞损伤研究和汽车安全性设计都具有重要的理论和工程实际意义。
The airbag inflation uses CV method and the interaction between water and airbag is calculated by ALE method. This thesis simulates both sole airbag and weight-carrying airbag situations.
At driving bit mounted on the steering wheel airbag middle position, co-pilot-bit airbag installed in front of the platform itself, the accident happened at the moment can effectively protect the driver and co-occupant spaces of the head and chest, because facing fierce collision will happen cause the vehicle in front of large deformation, and the vehicle occupant as the inertia of this heavy dive forward, causing the car with each other percussive elements, while driving the location of the car airbag can effectively to prevent the steering wheel when the collision happened at the top of the chest to the motorists to avoid the fatal injuries.
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作为一个安全系统,安全气囊一般是由(sensor)、电控单元(ECU汽车安全气囊的作用)、气体发生器(inflator)、气囊(airbag)、续流器(clockspring)等组成. 当车辆发生碰撞等事故时,传感器感受到撞击力量的强度,并将感受到的信号传送到控制器,
f、安全气袋(AirBag),越来越多的车型把它列为标准设备. 可以得到保险折扣. g、冷气也是值得装的. h、其它如音响、电动座椅和窗子、定速控制器、后窗雨刷等,是可有可无的. 原则上是价格贵,修理费用高的附件可以不买.
更换一新的控制单元,并对其进行编码,乘员保护系统(SRS)恢复正常,安全气囊(Airbag)警告灯熄灭,故障排除. 专业技术人员认为,经过几年的发展,汽车技术已经取得了极大的进步,像帕萨特B5这类中高档车,出现此类故障,
汽车工业面临安全带和空气袋(airbag)两种选择,但因成本原因而全部倾向于选择前者. 于是,交通部下属的全国高速公路管理局(NHTSA)的标准规定,1982年以后制造的汽车一律必须安装安全带. 但在经过许多年的反复之后,部分因为领导层人员的变化,
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