英语人>词典>英汉 : ahigh的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Chicken has ahigh biological value because of its high content of essential amino acids and is highly digestible.


There is ahigh homology in nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequences.


In this scenario:(1) Carbon source is atomized in ahigh temperature of more than 3000 ℃, and plasma occurs under these conditions.


Add your data on the search engines may be ahigh consumer time task, that can be automatized with the proper technology.


I'm not really willing to buy it at such ahigh price.


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更多网络解释与ahigh相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ahigh resolution:高分辨,高分辨率

high-rate filter 高速滤器 | ahigh resolution 高分辨,高分辨率 | high resolution banding technique 高分辨显带技术

at ahigh price:以高价

as amatter of fact事实上;其实 | at ahigh price以高价. | at atime每次;一次

have ahigh fever:发高烧

春节the Spring Festival | 发高烧have ahigh fever | 科学领域the field of science

to win ahigh admiration:享有声誉

外型大方elegant shape | 享有声誉to win ahigh admiration | 新品迭出new varieties are introduced one after another

中学毕业生(美作:holder of ahigh school diploma):holder of the General Certificate of Education

General Certificate of Education中学毕业证书(美作:high school diploma) | holder of the General Certificate of Education中学毕业生(美作:holder of ahigh school diploma) | doctorate博士学位

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