英语人>词典>英汉 : aglycone的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇




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Objective To study the purification technology of anthraquinone aglycone from Cassiae obtusifolia seeds by macroporous adsorption resin.


The correlations of eleven floral and fruit quantitative traits of Liriodendron interspecific hybrids(L. chinense×L. tulipifera) and its parent species were analysized.The aglycone and glycoside of flavonoid and carotinoids of perianth segment in the three groups were studied qualitatively and quantatively by high performance liquid chromatography.The results were as followed: The aglycone such as cyanidin, 6-hydroxyflavone and trans-chalcone and the glycoside such as glucose, rhamnose and galactose were discovered in Liriodendron interspecific hybrids and Liriodendron chinense,carotinoids such as lycopene and β-carotene were also discovered.

本文对鹅掌楸、北美鹅掌楸和杂交F_1的花果共11 个数量性状进行分析,并应用高效液相色谱对上述三大类群花被片类黄酮糖苷配基和结合糖及类胡萝卜素进行了定性和定量研究,结果如下:鹅掌楸和杂交鹅掌楸花被片类黄酮糖苷配基为花青素、6-羟基黄酮和反式查尔酮,糖苷配基结合糖为葡萄糖、鼠李糖和半乳糖;类胡萝卜素为β-胡萝卜素和番茄红素。

Based on biological experiments, mango glycoside is used as raw material; under the condition with phenol and hydroiodic acid, carbon-carbon bonds are broken to produce the crude product of mango aglycone; the crude product is separated and purified through silica gel column chromatography so that the mango aglycone is separated; the yield rate reaches 12 percent, the purity is higher than 95 percent, and the reproduction performance is good; the IGTT of C57BL/6 normal mice is effectively improved with the norathyriol; and simultaneously the quantity of insulin secretion induced by glucose in vivo for the C57BL/6 normal mice can be improved with the norathyriol.


更多网络解释与aglycone相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anthocyanidin aglycone:花色素配基

anthocyanidin花青素,花色素 | anthocyanidin aglycone花色素配基 | anthocyanin花色(素)苷;花青(素)苷


膝状的 geniculate | 苷杂质;配质 genin;aglycone | 都桷子(拾遗)(茜草科) Genipa americana L.;marmalade-box


配聯氧化還原作用 coupled oxidoreduction | 配糖基;苷雜質 aglycone;aglucone;genin | 配子體異型 anisogamonty