英语人>词典>英汉 : affiliated company的中文,翻译,解释,例句
affiliated company的中文,翻译,解释,例句

affiliated company

affiliated company的基本解释

联营公司, 关联企业公司

更多网络例句与affiliated company相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This company is affiliated with that university.


Affiliated company I affirm that what he said is true.


Is the company affiliated with other companies?


I go to work on a company affiliated an transnational company in Xia Men .


At present this system is applying in national network and affiliated company.


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更多网络解释与affiliated company相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

affiliated company:联营公司

内部交易(related party transaction)和联 营公司(affiliated company)之间商品交易, 即使以市价反映,也不认为是正常交易. ARR 会计收益率 accounting rate of return 的缩写. arrears ① 拖欠,欠款 指借款人对银行贷款到期未能偿还;

affiliated company:关联公司

(i)"相关联公司"(affiliated company) 指持牌人的控股公司的附属公司;(ii)"公司"(company) 的涵义与>(第32章)中该词的涵义相同;(iii)"控股公司"(holding company) 的涵义与>(第32章)中该词的涵义相同;

affiliated company:相关联公司

(i) "相关联公司"(affiliated company) 指持牌人的控股公司的附属公司;(ii) "公司"(company) 的涵义与>(第32章)中该词的涵义相同;(iii) "控股公司"(holding company) 的涵义与>(第32章)中该词的涵义相同;

affiliated company:关系企业

而导致丑闻的发生. 资本性资产同时包括了有形与无形的项目. 有形资产包括了土地、建筑物、工厂以及设备,再加上对于子公司(subsidiary company)以及关系企业(affiliated company)的投资. 无形资产包括了专利、商标(trademark)以及商誉.

affiliate; affiliated company:联属公司

Advisory Specialist Group 专家咨询小组 | affiliate; affiliated company 联属公司 | appetite for risk 风险容量

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