advocate ['ædvəkeit]
- advocate的基本解释
提倡者, 拥护者
- They are advocates of free trade.
- 他们是自由贸易的倡导者。
提倡, 主张, 鼓吹
- He advocates reforming the prison system.
- 他主张改良监狱制度。
- He advocates building more schools.
- 他主张多建几所学校。
- 相似词
- 更多 网络例句 与advocate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
But advertisement advocate not foolish, the advertisement that exceeds 4 to become advocate because disable exorbitantly to click and have the ad of 15% advocate the plan is in future inside 6 months,(The ad that has 5% only advocate the plan decreases to put in) in the advertisement of Google.
It is good reputation, good to rushing namely serve me to just choose harvest network, I register the website that becomes it advocate already a year many, it besides never default a website advocate commission, still use special email advertisement advocate price of new ad, advertisement is fluctuant wait for information, its send not tire of irritatedly website advocate in mailbox, and still be in mail attach a function, namely if you do not like this kind of its way, can retreat order, this is allieder than advertisement of other CPA, CPS no matter your feeling is gone to namely,send in your mailbox retreat however remove the practice that does not drop again, human nature is much!
When northward forum develops at the outset, the controller of predecessor was to collect a batch of edition advocate, especially among them 9 compare ripsnorter, this 9 individual in actual life also are particularly active, rely on these 9 edition advocate condense a few other edition again advocate, do the person energy of life of northward forum.
- 更多网络解释 与advocate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
回到美国后,柯特并未通过"金山"公司安排而是自行接受了一家地下刊物>(Advocate)的采访. 这篇题为>的访谈是所有柯特访谈中最客观的之一,它也是柯特一次极为漂亮的出击. 在这篇访谈中,
匾上措词借自刊登在>(Advocate)和其它同性恋杂志上的广告男妓的话. 其信息为维多利亚时代的人原本会认同的之一:"罪的工价乃是死. " 20世纪艺术从开端处已绕了完整的一圈,它又回到现代主义运动最初企图摆脱的东西之一即道德主义.
叫你不至于失了信心;因此基督徒啊!你要说:"我的心哪,你为何忧闷?"因为基督在为你代求. 人犯了罪,神却在为我们代求. "中保"(advocate)希腊文的意思是"安慰者". 基督替我们代求,是来自神主权的安慰.
Lord Advocate:苏格兰检察总长
在苏格兰检察总长(Lord Advocate)的鼓励下,斯密在爱丁堡举办了三期关于修辞、美文和哲学的私人讲座. 算是对他后期观点的一种预测,斯密对他的听众说,"只有和平、宽松的税制和宽容的司法制度才能够把一个国家从最低级的野蛮状态带领到最高级的富裕程度,
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