英语人>词典>英汉 : admeasuring的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] admeasure的现在分词


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Optical power equipment: projector apparatus, image admeasuring apparatus,three-coordinates measuring machine, toolroom microscope, distancer, scleromter,film thickness gauge, etc.

投影仪、影像测量仪、三坐标、工具显微镜、端度测长仪、硬度计、膜厚记、色差仪等实验设备,以上设备均符合GB,ISO,ASTM NACE MIL-STD , JIS, UL等国际标准。

Also, the method of how to admeasuring every index is put forward as well the equation of how to calculating the final evaluation, and evaluates the ability for urban earthquake disaster reduction of Jiangsu Province as an example.


Error admeasuring andapparatus choice are done according to the computing of the system error limits.


Objective To explore the time to fulfill some workload of main items in the medical record management,so as to provide reference for admeasuring staff of medical record management and dividing workload with reasonably.


It includes electrical source, distribution set, electric power grid and load, respectively producing, transporting, admeasuring and using of the electric power.


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admeasuring apparatus:测量仪

admantine spar 刚玉 | admeasuring apparatus 测量仪 | Admes 爱母士牌手表

admeasuring apparatus:测像仪

admeasure 测量,测定 | admeasuring apparatus 测像仪 | admission 放入,接纳,进气

admeasuring apparatus:测象仪

admeasurement || 分配, 配给 | admeasuring apparatus || 测象仪 | admensuration || 分配, 测量

admeasuring a aratus:测量仪

admantine ar 刚玉 | admeasuring a aratus 测量仪 | Admes 爱母士牌手表