英语人>词典>英汉 : adenyl的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

adenyl ['ædənil]


[生化] 腺嘌呤(基)

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Nevertheless, it has been shown that side-chain planarity is important in conferring high adenyl cytokinin activity


Levels of Giα protein in sarcolemma were measured by Western blot analysis,and adenyl cyclase activities were determined by radioimmunoassay.

采用Western 杂交法和放射免疫法分别测定大鼠心肌Giα及腺苷酸环化酶的活性。

The level of cAMP in cell depends on adenyl cyclase and phosphodiesterase .


Objective: To observe the effect of Guizhi Decoction on adenyl cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities in hypothalamus of rat models of fever and hypothermia.

目的 :观察桂枝汤对发热和低体温模型大鼠下丘脑中腺苷酸环化酶和磷酸二酯酶活性的影响。

EH is the major risk agent to strok. It is important to explore the genetic mutation and environmental risk factors in hypertension. G protein is linked to activation of adenyl cyclase which involve in signal transduction between receptor and effector.


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adenyl pyrophosphate | 三磷酸腺苷, 腺苷三磷酸, 腺苷焦磷酸 | adenyl | 腺嘌呤(基) | adenylate deaminase | 腺苷酸脱氨酶

adenyl cyclase:腺苷酸环化酶

[药理作用]:作用于支气管平滑肌的β2-受体,激活与β2-受体有紧密关系的腺苷酸环化酶(adenyl cyclase). 由此细胞内腺苷三磷酸(ATP)改变为环腺苷酸(cyclic AMP),显示出支气管扩张的作用以及气管纤毛运动促进作用及镇咳作用.

adenyl cyclase:腺苷环酶

"腺病毒","adenovirus" | "腺苷环酶","adenyl cyclase" | "腺(核)苷单磷酸","adenylic acid; adenosine monophosphate; AMP"

adenyl cyclase:腺苷环

腺病毒&nbspadenovirus | 腺苷环 adenyl cyclase | 腺(核)苷单磷酸&nbspadenylic acid; adenosine monophosphate; AMP

adenyl cyclase:腺苷酸(腺嘌呤核苷酸)環化酶

adenosine 腺苷酸素(腺嘌呤核苷酸) | adenyl cyclase 腺苷酸(腺嘌呤核苷酸)環化酶 | administration 藥物用法 药物应用(法)

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