adapt to something
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When the mind apprehends the essence of a thing (quod quid est; tò tí en enai), the external object is perceived without the particular notes which attach to it in nature, and it is not yet marked with the attribute of generality which reflection will bestow on it.
当铭记apprehends的本质的东西(狱吏嚼1-5 ;德州仪器恩enai ),外部对象被认为没有特别注意到它重视它的性质(中存在singularibus ),这是没有标明属性一般性的反映将赋予它
According to the feeling of humans, it is not clear to show something, from time to time, we are not sure whether we should insist on our feelings, but we do like that ,cos we can't control ourselves, when you fall in love river, maybe you will lose your intellect , some words , some smile, some comportment could make you remember forever, we can't choose to remember something ,and forget something , once something happened in our lifes, it becomes past. What it left to us is the memory, I think memory has the life-span, and it was controlled by our minds. There is a rule to memory, if you force yourself to forget something ,usually , you must fail to forget something, cos a kind of consciousness in your mind make you remember that more and more clearly,, it is difficulty to fade something from one's memory by action,,, the only way to forget is the time , the time owns huge power to control human beings mind… waimaozu_com
Based upon the ecoanatomical method, leaf anatomical characters of eleven populations of six evergreen species (Cyclobalanopsis glauca, C. myrsinaefolia, C. gracilis, Castanopsis sclerophylla, C. eyrei and Lithocarpus glaber) from the eastern subtropical area of China were analyzed and compared with SPSS, DCA and TWINSPAN. The results are: 1. Although the leaf structures of the eleven populations still belong to the mesophyll type, they all express the trend of xerophilization. 2. There are some differences in leaf anatomical characters among populations, species and genera, which occur as the results of their adaptation to different habitats. 3. Different leaf anatomical characters have different variations among populations, species and genera, of which leaf thickness and palisade tissue thickness (considered as ecological adaptation characters) have greater variation than sponge tissue thickness, lower cuticle thickness and lower epidermis thickness (as systematical evolution characters). 4. The leaves of C. sclerophylla and C. glauca with thicker lamina, palisade tissue and cuticle (a multilayered upper epidermis in C. sclerophylla) are thought to better adapt to their dry habitat. The leaves of C. eyrei with thicker sponge tissue, although characterized by a multlayered upper epidermis, adapt to their humid and warm habitat. The leaves of C. myrsinaefolia and C. gracilis characterized by a thinner lamina, a less palisade tissue and a moderate cuticle thickness adapt to the humid and cool habitat in a middle mountain.
选取亚热带东部替代分布明显的壳斗科6种常绿树种(青冈、小叶青冈、细叶青冈、苦槠、甜槠和石栎)的11个种群叶片进行生态解剖,并用SPSS, DCA和TWINSPAN比较分析,结果表明:①尽管6种11个种群叶的结构仍属中生叶型,但有着不同程度的趋旱适应;②叶的解剖性状在属间、种间和种群间均存在着不同程度的差异,这是它们适应各自生境的结果,青冈和石栎的种内差异较大,反映出它们对环境变化有较强响应能力;③叶片的不同解剖性状在属、种类和种群间的变化并不同步,其中叶片和栅栏组织厚度等性状差异突出,反映它们更易受环境的饰变,是生态适应性状,而海绵组织、下角质膜,特别是下表皮厚度等性状差异较小,显示出这些性状的稳定性,可以认为是系统演化性状;④苦槠、青冈具有较厚的叶片、栅栏组织、角质膜和发达输导和机械组织,苦槠还具有复表皮,表现出对旱化生境的适应;甜槠尽管具有复表皮和较厚的叶片,但这是海绵组织增厚的结果,是对中生生境的适应;小叶青冈和细叶青冈具有较薄的叶片和栅栏组织、角质膜厚度居中等特点,可能是对中山凉湿生境的适应。
- 更多网络解释 与adapt to something相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
adapt to something:(使)适应,(使)适合
11acquisitivea. 想获得的,贪得的 | 12adapt to something(使)适应,(使)适合 | 13add insult to injury伤害之外又加侮辱(使关系更糟),雪上加霜