英语人>词典>英汉 : active duty的中文,翻译,解释,例句
active duty的中文,翻译,解释,例句

active duty

active duty的基本解释


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Think that as a secondary school students , we have more responsibility and more active duty into environmental action.


All 5 are still on active duty in Iraq.


Active duty when we get to the second and third steps as you will see shortly.


In 2002,I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the War on Terrorism.


Designed for active and passive duty.


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active duty:现役

active day 扰日 | active duty 现役 | active earth pressure 主动土压力

active duty:现役职务

action to be taken 公事待办 | active duty 现役职务 | active leave balance 假期总额

active duty:服现役的

9. 指挥舱 the command module | 10. 服现役的 active duty | 11. 爵士乐队jazz band

active duty:现役军人

surveillance n.视察,监督 | active duty 现役军人 | specific n.特效药, 细节

active duty commitment:服现役

active defense 积极防御 | active duty commitment 服现役 | active duty service commitment 服现役

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