英语人>词典>英汉 : acknowledge的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ]

第三人称单数:[acknowledges]  动词过去式:[acknowledged]  过去分词:[acknowledged]  现在分词:[acknowledging]  

承认, 答谢, 报偿, 告知收悉

  • Stella didn't even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting.
  • 我向斯特拉挥手致意,可她连招呼也不打一个。
  • He was acknowledged to be the best player.
  • 他被公认为是最佳选手。
  • I acknowledge that her criticism is just.
  • 我承认她的批评是公正的。
  • The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
  • 候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。
  • I acknowledged her letter at once.
  • 我马上告知收到了她的信。
v. recognise · admit · recognize
更多 网络例句 与acknowledge相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: Choosing some high hazardous population (sex service distaff, long distance truckers), frail population, common population (community inhabitant, community commission leader) being target population, exploring their acknowledge of AIDS knowledge and behaviour transformation, carrying out health education and behavior intervention by lots of methods, and investigating their acknowledge of AIDS knowledge and behaviour transformation after intervention.


Hereafter this provision several pass through the change, at present besides sought the revolting crime to punish already became invalid, the effective content was: Must believe in the British national religion including royal court all aristocrats, should teach for the national legal orthodox church, all united kingdom legitimate residents must acknowledge that the protestant episcopal church for the British national religion only church, must acknowledge British king for the national religion leader


She doesn't acknowledge that Black and Indigenous Americans have long lived under quasi-fascist rule, she doesn't examine the role that previous administrations have played in setting the stage for the Bush regime, and she doesn't acknowledge the roles played by corporatism, widespread social dislocation and the radical Christian right in the rise of a fascist American zeitgeist.


更多网络解释 与acknowledge相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


俄罗斯的代表坚持要用"赞赏"(appreciate),而美国、英国和法国则各有考虑,提出了其他"同义词",如改用"欢迎"(welcome)、"承认"(acknowledge)、"肯定"(recognize)或"满意地注意到"(note with satisfaction)等.


每个USB事务处理都是由0个或更多个级(通常为1级或3级)所组成的,这些级是"设置"(Setup)、"数据"(Data)和"确认"(Acknowledge). 每一级包括两个阶段或三个阶段. 这些阶段为"权标"(Token)、"数据"(Data)和"信号交换"(Handshake).


薄瑞光說,30年來,美方已清楚說明,"認知"(acknowledge)並不表示"承認"(recognize)、"接受"(accept)或其他除"認知"(acknowledge)外的意思. 過去37年,有一些力量迫使美國對台灣"主權"採取更明確的立場,或令美國用一些政治術語(political terms)定義台灣,


在这种规则体系中,识别(identify)和认可(acknowledge)一个社会中那些规则属于法律规则的"承认规则"(rule of 不过在哈特和富勒论战之初,承认规则理论还没有成型.

acknowledge:abbr. ack; 肯定,认知,应答,告知收到

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