英语人>词典>英汉 : acceleration的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,反义词,拼写相似词汇

acceleration [ək,selə'reiʃən]


加速度, 促进

  • This bus has good acceleration.
  • 这辆公共汽车的加速性能很好。
n. deceleration · retardation
更多 网络例句 与acceleration相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Contributions of the centripetal acceleration in steady flight, the tangential acceleration due to the effect of the angular acceleration, the Coriolis component of acceleration, the radial (the vertical direction at prototype), circumferential and axial (the two horizontal directions at prototype) shaking effects and the elongation effect of the centrifuge arm to the global acceleration of a particle in centrifuge modelling are identified in the expression of the global acceleration.


The acceleration profile of the crane motion is designed to induce minimum payload pendulation during transpo rt,while the deceleration stage is designed to ensure freed om of residual oscillation near the end of the transport,and to deliver the payload at the target point.The techniques induce payload pendulation at least one half ofan oscillation cycle or integer multiples during each of the acceleration and deceleration stages.Starr(1995)designed a symmetric two-step acceleration and deceleration profile to transfer a suspended object.The duration on the constant acceleration steps is assumed to be negligible relative to the period of the payload oscillation.A linear approximation method of the oscillation period is used to generate the two-step symmetric acceleration profile.

3.1投入成型技术,各种形式的投入shapers , convolved参考命令,产生形投入指挥,驾驶起重机提出一套距离沿一套path.the加速度概况起重机议案旨在诱使最低载重pendulation期间transpo rt ,虽然减速阶段,目的是确保freed om残余振荡接近尾声的运输,并交付载荷到达目标point.the技巧诱使载荷pendulation至少一半ofan振荡周期或整数倍数。

With coupler embedded and acceleration sensitivity compensation design, the structure symmetry is insured, which can induce the acceleration sensitivity effectively. The acceleration sensitivity compensation design also improves the production efficiency of FOH for towed linear array application.2. A good theoretical simulation platform, utilizing the method of elastic mechanics and the finite element method, is established, which can provide an effect predictive design for FOH. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysises.3. Some key technology problems in the making of FOH for towed linear array application are conquered. The new developed FOH, with an acoustic sensitivity of -143.0dB, has acceleration sensitivity less than -30dB, which exceeded to results from other international reports.


更多网络解释 与acceleration相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从列表中选取"加速度"(Acceleration),指定伺服电动机关于其加速度的运动. 还可为加速度伺服电动机输入"初始角度"(Initial Angle) 和"初始角速度"(Initial Angular Velocity) 值. 如果为速度或加速度设置了初始位置,



acceleration:加速度 加速度

加速度 加速度(Acceleration)是速度变化量与发生这一变化所用时间的比值.是描述物体速度改变快慢的物理量,通常用a表示,单位是米每二次方秒,加速度是矢量,它的方向与合外力的方向相同,其方向表示速度改变的方向,其大小表示速度改变的大小.



angular acceleration:角加速度

物体是有形状、大小的,它可以平直运动、转动,甚至更复杂的运动. 因此,对于机械运动的研究,只限于质点的情况是不敷的. 例如:物体的转动遵从什么物理纪律呢?4. 角速度(Angular Velocity)和角加速度( Angular Acceleration)

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