英语人>词典>英汉 : absorption account的中文,翻译,解释,例句
absorption account的中文,翻译,解释,例句

absorption account

absorption account的基本解释

[经] 附属帐, 归纳帐户

更多网络例句与absorption account相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The features of electronic absorption spectra were assigned on account of the agreement between the experiment and the calculations.


In choosing foods rich in iron, the iron content in addition to considering, we must also take into account the iron absorption rate.


Absorbed: It is also called the absorption or adjunct account.


Taking into account the absorption rate of food, everyone (at 65kg body weight in mind) a day, eat about half Jin sugar should not be a problem.


It is interesting that, to understand the whiteness of snow (upon illumination by white light), absorption can be ignored, but to understand the blueness of light transmitted deep into snow, absorption must be taken into account.


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更多网络解释与absorption account相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorption account:摊配账户,转并账户

17absorb 摊配,转并 | 18absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户 | 19absorption costing 摊配成本计算法

absorption account:费用分摊帐户

absorbed expenses 以分摊费用 | absorption account 费用分摊帐户 | abstaining 弃权

absorption account:费用或成本分摊帐户, 附属帐

absorption account 费用或成本分摊帐户, 附属帐 | abstract account 摘要[月计]帐户 | account in arrear 积欠

absorption account:转并帐户,摊配帐户

. Absorption 转并,摊配 | . Absorption account 转并帐户,摊配帐户 | . Absorption rate 摊配比率

摊配账户,转并账户 absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户:absorption account

17 1 absorb 摊配,转并 absorb 摊配,转并 | 18 1 absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户 absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户 | 19 1 absorption costing 摊配成本计算法 absorption costing 摊配成本计算法