英语人>词典>英汉 : a hippy的中文,翻译,解释,例句
a hippy的中文,翻译,解释,例句

a hippy

a hippy的基本解释


更多网络例句与a hippy相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be cynical; a hippy; disdain worldly affairs; live in defiance of conventions; take a cynical attitude towards life; throw restraint to the winds and lead a licentious life; treat all things indecorously


The exhibition in 1963 to 70 era antique cloth, would like to take people to know that fabric pattern is a reflection of the aesthetics and history, is the 60s style hippie Hippy Style, is a youth culture fashion Dasheng's, For the source of a British Granny to break the old norm in the fashion industry, it hired Nigel Waymouth and Sheila Cohen for the United States means that they spent a lot of Aubrey Beardsley print pattern, performing a new color, a launch will be recognized by the public.

今次展出1963年到70年代的古董布,希望籍此让人知道,其实布的图案是反映当时的美学及历史,60年代是嬉皮风格Hippy Style,是时尚青年文化的大盛年代,源头是英国Granny欲要在时装界破旧立新,故此聘请Sheila Cohen和Nigel Waymouth作美指,他们用了大量Aubrey Beardsley的印刷品图案,表演新色调,一推出便受到大众认同。

When some people think of a 'hippy', they think of a bunch of scruffy unshaven kids in tie-dye shirts tripping on acid at a Grateful Dead show.
