- WTO的基本解释
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The basically frame of the thesis is:1 behave and specialty of joining the WTO to Chinese political development"s influencing(1) Acting each other of economy and politics(2) Influence and exhibition of political development(3) Total characteristic of Chinese political development taking on after joining the WTO.2 New challenge to Chinese political development after joining the WTO(1) Increase of participate in politics and grade of democratization(2) Adapting to the WTO"s economy of legal system(3) Again orientation of government and market(4) Rebirth of ad minis rational culture(5) Removing system"s obstacle, ensuring efficient unblocked of circulate mechanism(6) Maintenance of national3 countermeasure of Chinese political development after joining WTO(1) Thought of guidance(2) Strengthen legislation of nation, carry through justice innovation(3) Pouter"s choice of Chinese characteristic democracy(4) Criterion in reason of government"s power, advancing to degree of science decision-making(5) Government management mode"s transformation(6) Pushing advanced view of administrational value
The fundamental and tenet of WTO : is to get the aim of liberalization of world's trade by implementing the principle of the open of market , nondiscrimination and a fair shake and so on. November 10,2001, the meeting of the WTO's fourth minister was held in the capital of Cartel which deliberated and passed the decision that China joined the WTO and made it turn into the one hundred forty-third member of WTO.
WTO 的基本原则和宗旨是:通过实施市场开放、非歧视和公平交易等原则,达到推动世界贸易自由化的目的。2001年11月10日,在卡塔尔首都多哈召开的 WTO 第四届部长级会议上,审议并通过了中国加入世界贸易组织的决定,成为 WTO 的第143个成员国。
China's entry (including Macao, Hong Kong and Taiwan) into WTO makes WTO a more complete organization. The Chinese government will conform undeviatingly to the principle of "open market, fair trade" formulated by WTO and try to melt with global economy as soon as possible. China will also enjoy all rights and perform all obligations set for all members of the WTO.
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下文将从博弈论的角度来看"世界贸易组织 "(WTO). 一、两国关税政策静态博弈模型和世界贸易组织(WTO)的成立先看简单的情况. 假设每个政府的策略集是自由策略(Free)或最优关税(Opt). 表1给出了这种简单的一次性博弈的支付矩阵,
NAMA(Non-Agricultural Market Access),意思为非农产品市场进入,指世界贸易组织(WTO)农业协定产品范围以外的所有产品,包括工业产品、林产品以及渔产品的市场开放.
WTO:abbr. would trade organization; 世界贸易组织
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