英语人>词典>英汉 : W.O.的中文,翻译,解释,例句



waiting order 等候订单, workover 油层采空区上部油层的开采

更多网络例句与W.O.相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This group, having helped the occult Thule and Vril Gesellschafts with their continued RFZ (RundFlugZeug, or Round Aircraft) disc prototypes that utilized magnetic levitators developed by W.O.


W.O. Bentley began his "automotive" career as a railroad engineering apprentice at the turn of the century and immediately got into racing via the motorcycle circuit, a common practice among young Brits before World War I.


Vaught's hand in his and said, W.O., it won't be long now for both of us.


Vaught's hand in his and said, W.O., it won't be long now for both of us.

O 。,我俩都已时日无多。

更多网络解释与W.O.相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr. W.O. Wordle:沃德尔博士

外科医生 Sanitary Surgeons | W. O. 沃德尔博士 Dr. W.O. Wordle | 西.李.霍 Shee Lee Hoi

W.O. washing overboard:浪击落海

W/M weight or measurement 重量或体积(按高者计算运费) | W.O. washing overboard 浪击落海 | wooden case 木箱

W.O. washing overboard:冲失

whse warehouse 仓库 | W.O. washing overboard 冲失 | W.P.A with particular average 水渍险

washing overboard {= w.o.; w.o.b:波浪冲失

冲失条款 washing out clause | 波浪冲失 washing overboard {= w.o.; w.o.b.} | 总耗损量 wastage in bulk

Dr Henri W.O. Yeung:楊永安博士

王愛和博士 Dr A. Wang | 楊永安博士 Dr Henri W.O. Yeung | 宋 剛博士 Dr G. Song

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