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We pass by in the first place the laws made by the mutual agreement of both parties, such as the legislation of the numerous assemblies in the Visigothic kingdom, and the Frankish kingdom and empire, where the bishops sat with the lords and nobles.


The name is due to a fifteenth century note at the beginning of the book, and hence it has been attributed by Tommasi and Mabillon to Narbonne, which was in the Visigothic Kingdom.


When the Alans living in the region were ready to defect to Attila, Aetius and the Visigothic king Theodoric moved in to relieve the city.


The Spanish culture thus has originated from Iberian, Latin, Celtiberian, Roman Catholic, Visigothic and Islamic cultures.


It was absorbed in the large and important collection of the Visigothic Church.


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