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Veterans Administration的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Veterans Administration

Veterans Administration的基本解释


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The Veterans' Administration openly admitted that psychosurgery was a standard procedure for treatment and not used just in experiments.


The Veterans Administration Hospital has been shown by the General Accounting Office to apply heavy dosages of psychotherapeutic drugs.


And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.

这里的每一位在正常治疗中没有好转的病人都通过这种俩法有了很多的进步。Veterans医疗中心的神经学主任,Christopher Bever博士这样说道。在这里,这种治疗方法在这里被实行。

And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.

这些患者中大部分人都不能通过正统的治疗获得好转却在机器人的协助下得到了明显的进步,Baltimore退伍军人医疗管理中心的神经科主任Christopher Bever博士说道,在这里也进行着一项研究。

And many of these patients, who wouldn't normally get better, showed significant improvement, said Dr Christopher Bever, chief of neurology at the Veterans Administration Medical Centre in Baltimore, where one of the studies was conducted.


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Veterans Administration Library:退伍军人管理局图书馆

10.Vehicle Authorization List 车辆特许表 | 11.Veterans Administration Library 退伍军人管理局图书馆 | 12.vibro-assisted liposuction 震动辅助的吸脂作用

Veterans' Administration:美国退役军人管理局

作为奥巴马房屋援助计划的一部分,奥巴马管理团队提议对联邦住房管理局与美国退役军人管理局(Veterans Administration)的管理内容进行部分修改,以确保一旦大量出现破产裁决或贷款服务机构主动要求修改合同的事件时,由机构支持的抵押贷款向投资者支付部分请求.

Veterans' Administration:美國退伍軍人管理局

衡量联邦住宅管理局(Federal Housing Administration,FHA) 和美国退伍军人管理局(Veterans Administration)管理的政府借贷项目的贷款申请活动的指数是上周唯一上涨的分项指标.

Veterans' Administration:退伍军人管理处

vesting;保留(退休金)权利;; | Veterans Administration;退伍军人管理处;; | Veterans of World War Two;第二次世界大战退伍军人协会;;

Veterans' Administration:退伍軍人局

Verification 證實,證明 | Veterans Administration 退伍軍人局 | Vineyard 葡萄園