英语人>词典>英汉 : Vespertilionidae的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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The sibship of the three families was concluded from echolocation signals. There is very close sibship between Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae, which possibly evolved from the same original group. Vespertilionidae is an isolated group with little affinity to Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae, probably evolving from another original group.


There is obvious negative correlation between dominant frequency and bodily size in Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae and Hipposideridae.


The echolocation signals of Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae are both long CF-FM with 1 harmonic and narrow FM bandwidth. But Rhinolophidae has longer duration, higher duty cycle and lower dominant frequency than Hipposideridae. All the echolocation signals of Vespertilionidae are short FM with 2-6 harmonics and wide FM bandwidth. Vespertilionidae has shorter duration and lower duty cycle than the other two families. There are obvious differences in dominant frequency between different species in this family.


Any of various widely distributed insect-eating bats of the family Vespertilionidae, characterized by a long tail.


More simply, that is, Vespertilionidae bat moths for many types of other offspring, spawning in the soil, after the eggs into larvae, previously, the Cordyceps fungus penetrated larvae absorb the material as the survival of larvae of the nutritional conditions, and the larvae continue to breeding, resulting in larvae filled with mycelium, in the coming year 5-7 when the weather gets warmer months, since the larvae grow yellow or light brown head and seat of the bacteria, the growth was out of the ground after the grass stalk-like, the result we usually see caterpillar fungus.


更多网络解释与Vespertilionidae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)伏翼属(Pipistrellus)约4050种蝙蝠的统称,广布於世界各地. 体色浅灰、褐、浅红或黑色,体长约3.510公分(1.44吋),尾长2.56公分. 飞行方向飘忽不定,黄昏时比大多数蝙蝠出现得早,有时甚至白天飞行. 代表种有欧亚大陆的伏翼(P.


二、翼手目Chiroptera | (三)蝙蝠科Vespertilionidae | 三、食肉目Carnivora

Vespertilionidae:( 二)、蝙蝠科

1、安徽鲁氏菊头蝠 Rhinolophus rouxi sinuus Qndorsen | 2、西南中菊头蝠 Rh.gffinis himadyanus Andorsen | ( 二)、蝙蝠科 Vespertilionidae

蝙蝠科vespertilionidae 普通伏翼:pipistrellus abramus

翼手目chiroptera | 蝙蝠科vespertilionidae 普通伏翼 pipistrellus abramus | 爪哇伏翼 pipistrellus avani