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Van Allen belt的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Van Allen belt

Van Allen belt的基本解释


Van Allen belt所属的单词分类
Astronomy / 天文 [220]

white giant · visual magnitude · red dwarf · pole star · outer planets · orbital inclination · orbital eccentricity · muttnik · interstellar dust · inner planets

更多网络例句与Van Allen belt相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High radiation hardness solar cells have to be developed for the application of communication satellites at an obit within Van Allen belt.

为使通信卫星能够正常工作于所谓Van Allen辐射带,必须发展一种具有强抗辐射能力的太阳电池。

What's left of you is probably up circling the earth with the Van Allen Belt.


For over one hundred years, the Earth's magnetic field, the Van Allen Belt, has been decreasing in strength.


These tests seriously disturbed the lower Van Allen Belt, substantially altering its shape and intensity.


In this experiment the inner Van Allen Belt will be practically destroyed for a period of time; particles from the Belt will be transported to the atmosphere.


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更多网络解释与Van Allen belt相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

van allen belt:范艾伦辐射带

4月份意大利宇航员维托里(Roberto Vittori)将国家核物理研究院研制的磁场传感器安装在国际空间站上,观测地球上空范艾伦辐射带(Van Allen Belt)在地震发生前4~5小时的微弱变化.

van allen belt:范艾伦带

除了大气层外,由地球磁场所产生的地磁层,称作"范艾伦带"(Van Allen Belt) 的,也起著盾甲的作用,阻挡有害的幅射线威胁地球. 由太阳和其他星体不停地发出的幅射线会危害生物,如果地磁层不存在,太阳经常发生的巨大能量的爆发(名为「太阳闪焰」),

van allen belt:凡阿侖帶 =范艾侖帶

valley splitting 谷分裂 | Van Allen belt 凡阿侖帶 =范艾侖帶 | Van Cittert-Zernike theorem 凡瑟特-冊尼克[準單色光源相干]定理= 范西泰特-策尼克定理

van allen belt:凡阿仑(辐射)带

"valley point voltage","谷点电压" | "Van Allen belt","凡阿仑(辐射)带" | "Vander Pol equation","凡德坡方程式"

radiation belt, Van Allen belt:辐射带

假捕获粒子 pseudo-trapped particle | 辐射带 radiation belt, Van Allen belt | 磁鞘 magnetosheath

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