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Una corda (意大利语)在一根弦上演奏(弦乐器), 用弱音踏板, Upper Chamber 上议院, Urban Council 城市理事会

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As a result of such claims, the mirror neuron system has risen to the level of accepted folk psychology. According to U.C.


John Rundle, director of the Computational Science and Engineering initiative at the U.C.


Results show as follows:Viewed in the gymnastics athletes' training stages, U.C. is mainly applied to the latter half of the intermediate stage, the senior stage and prolongable stage, especially applied to the senior stage.


A team at U.C. San Diego had been searching for it.


He wants to make SAT scores an optional part of the application for all 90,000 kids who want to go to U.C.

他希望能将SAT 作为每年想要进入加州大学的90,000名学生申请资格的一个可选项目。

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更多网络解释与U.C.相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

u.c. upper case:大写字体;大写字母

TWAIN technology without any interested name 扫描机通用接口 | u.c. upper case 大写字体;大写字母 | UCC Universal Copyright Convention 世界版权公约;世界版权协议;万国版权公约;万国著作权条约

u.c. una corda:之缩写

übertrieben(德)夸张的,夸大的. | u.c. una corda之缩写. | udibile(意)听得见的,可以听到的.

u.c. usual conditions:通常情况下

UU UNLESS USED 除非使用 | u.c. usual conditions 通常情况下 | U.D. under deck 下层甲板

u.c. usual conditions:通常条件

TWHD Tons per workable batch per day 每天每可工作轮........吨 | u.c. usual conditions 通常条件 | U.D. under deck 甲板下,舱内

U.C. Staff Residence:联合苑

U6 伯利衡宿舍 Bethlehem Hall | U7 联合苑 U.C. Staff Residence | U8 恒生楼 Hang Seng Hall

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