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My beard I had once suffered to grow till it was about a quarter of a yard long; but as I had both scissors and razors sufficient, I had cut it pretty short, except what grew on my upper lip, which I had trimmed into a large pair of Mahometan whiskers, such as I had seen worn by some Turks, who I saw at Sallee; for the Moors did not wear such, though the Turks did; of these muschatoes or whiskers, I will not say they were long enough to hang my hat upon them; but they were of a length and shape monstrous enough, and such as in England would have passed for frightful.
My Beard I had once suffer'd to grow till it was about a Quarter of a Yard long; but as I had both Scissars and Razors sufficient, I had cut it pretty short, except what grew on my upper Lip, which I had trimm'd into a large Pair of Mahometan Whiskers, such as I had seen worn by some Turks, who I saw at Sallee; for the Moors did not wear such, tho' the Turks did; of these Muschatoes or Whiskers, I will not say they were long enough to hang my Hat upon them; but they were of a Length and Shape monstrous enough, and such as in England would have pass'd for frightful.
A bigoted papist declared: The Turks are better than the Lutherans; for the Turks observe fast days, and the Lutherans violate them.
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(2)土耳其人(Turks)有2-3万,为奥斯曼统治时代遗民的后裔,主要集中在摩苏尔、巴士拉和巴格达等大城市. (2)亚美尼亚人(Armenians)约有7.203万人,居住在巴格达、巴士拉和摩苏尔等大城市. 据说,他们是在20世纪初期由土耳其迁徙而来.
而吉尔吉斯(Kirghiz)、土库曼(Turkoman)、土耳其(Turks)人等多为混血种,不是典型蒙古人体型. 即突厥人分化较大. 吉尔吉斯的哈萨克人在新疆即达50多万人. 蒙古人因生活环境的不同,而分成许多支民族. 如北部通古斯人在我国古代称为"东胡"人.
大月氏原居中国甘肃西北的突厥族(Turks). 于西元前二世纪被匈奴所驱逐,跑到中亚,其民族分为五大支,以贵霜一系最强,因此波期及印度人对大月氏帝国称为贵霜,亦即后来坐大印度西北部的贵霜王朝. 贵霜王朝信仰佛教,
据<<周书•突厥传>>记载,突厥(Turks)作为部落名称,大概始于公元5 世纪中叶,居住在金山(今新疆北部阿尔泰山)的南面[30]. <<阙特勤碑>>突厥文铭文中说:"九姓回纥者,吾之同族也",九姓回纥原为九姓铁勒,即突厥源出于铁勒,
THE TURKS:明子、JUMPLOVE、狗狗、幽幽、赫欣、桃若若
RENO:傲星 | LUCRECIA:蔷薇色的猫 | THE TURKS:明子、JUMPLOVE、狗狗、幽幽、赫欣、桃若若、
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