英语人>词典>英汉 : Turkification的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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However, modern day Azerbaijanis are believed to be primarily the descendants of the Caucasian Albanian[59][60] and Iranic peoples who lived in the areas of the Caucasus and northern Iran, respectively, prior to Turkification.

56[57][58]然而,现今的阿塞拜疆人被认为是在突厥化之前居住在高加索的高加索阿尔巴尼亚人和居住在伊朗北部的伊朗人的后裔[59][60] 。

By the Safavid period, the Turkification of Azerbaijan continued with the influence of the Kizilbash.


Thus, centuries of Turkic migration and turkification of the region helped to formulate the modern Azerbaijani ethnic group.


The Seljuk period marked the influx of Oghuz nomads into the region and, thus, the beginning of the turkification of Azerbaijan as the West Oghuz Turkic language supplanted earlier Caucasian and Iranian ones.


The very name Azerbaijan is derived from the pre-Turkic name of the province, Azarbayjan or Adarbayjan, and illustrates a gradual language shift that took place as local place names survived Turkification, albeit in altered form.


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