英语人>词典>英汉 : Turk's-head的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[海] 绳索上的饰结

更多网络例句与Turk's-head相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the late 1760s, a Hungarian nobleman named Wolfgang von Kempelen built the first machine capable of beating a human at chess. Called the Turk, von Kempelen's automaton consisted of a small wooden cabinet, a chessboard, and the torso of a turbaned mannequin.

18世纪60年代的晚期,一个叫Wolfgang von Kempelen的匈牙利贵族发明了第一台能够在象棋上击败人类的机器。von Kempelen的这台机器被称为Turk,它由一个木盒子,一块棋版,以及一个裹着头巾的假人躯干所组成。

Called the Turk, von Kempelen's automaton consisted of a small wooden cabinet, a chessboard, and the torso of a turbaned mannequin.


Of course, it is also possible to use money to motivate people to do computing tasks, as in Amazon's Mechanical Turk project, which pays participants a few cents to complete simple tasks such as categorising websites for potential advertisers.

当然,金钱同样能用来驱使人进行计算任务,正如亚马逊的Mechanical Turk项目(其名称来自于18世纪一种名为&The Turkwhich&的自动象棋机设备)。参与者完成一些简单的任务,例如为潜在的广告商对一些网页进行分类,就可以获得若干美分。

更多网络解释与Turk's-head相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clerodendron siphonanthum R.Br.; Turk's turban; tube flower:車葉常山

車桑子屬(無患子科) Dodonaea | 車葉常山 Clerodendron siphonanthum R.Br.; Turk's turban; tube flower | 車軸紅藻 Crouania attenuata (Bonnem. J. Ag.)

Lilium martagon L.; European Turk's cap lily; Martagon lily; Turban lily:经头百合(于)

番山丹 Lilium maculatum Thunb. | 经头百合(于) Lilium martagon L.; European Turk's cap lily; Martagon lily; Turban lily | 香百合 Lilium mazimowiczii Regel.; Maximowicz's lily

Turk's-cap lily:头巾百合

Turk's leukocyte ==> 提尔克氏白细胞 | Turk's-cap lily ==> 头巾百合 | turkey cock ==> 雄火鸡