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Theos {theh'-os} of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; TDNT - 3:65,322; n m AV - God 1320, god 13, godly 3, God-ward + 4214 2, misc 5; 1343 1 a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities 2 the Godhead, trinity 2a God the Father, the first person in the trinity 2b Christ, the second person of the trinity 2c Holy Spirit, the third person in the trinity 3 spoken of the only and true God 3a refers to the things of God 3b his counsels, interests, things due to him 4 whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way 4a God's representative or viceregent 4a1 of magistrates and judges
相关经文回前一页 2316 theos {theh'-os}不确定相似的字源;神,(与 3588 一起)特别是至高无上的神; TDNT - 3:65,322;阳性名词钦定本- God 1320, God 13, godly 3, God-ward + 4214 2, misc 5; 1343 1 神或女神,神或神格的统称 2 神性,三位一体 2a 上帝天父,三位一体的第一位 2b 基督,三位一体的第二位 2c 圣灵,三位一体的第三位 3 论及唯一真神 3a 与上帝有关的事 3b 祂的劝告,关注,因祂而产生的事 4 任何可以关连於神的,或比拟於神的 4a 上帝的代表或副手 4a1 地方行政官与士师审判官
Compared to wet season, arsenic is difficult to mobile in dry season. Attenuation constant in dry season is 0.3082(1/km), but it is 0.0569(1/km)in wet season. If initial concentration of As was 500μg/L without other contamination source in down stream, arsenic would deceased to 50μg/L in down stream 7.5km in dry season but 40km in down stream 40km. As is dominate species in river running throμgh mining area.
The results were as follow: At fine, cloudlet and cloud weather in rainy season,the mean value of CO 2 content varied in a range of 349 to 350ml/m\+3 at 2.8m above the canopy, 346 to 348ml/m\+3 at 0.8m above the canopy, 345 to 349ml/m\+3 at 16m inner the forest and 352 to 357ml/m\+3 at 5m above ground in the period from 9:00 to 18:00.The CO 2 content in rainy season was lower than that in dry season. At the same weather and space-time, CO 2 content in rainy season was higher than that of CO 2 in dry season at both day and night. According to the grads calculation, there were the CO 2 flux from atmosphere to canopy with 0.61×10 -6 and 0.71×10 -6kg/(m 2·s) during day time in dry and rainy seasons respectively.
采用梯度法及CI-301PS CO2系统,实现了海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林近冠层CO 2、微气象因子梯度观测研究,结果表明:雨季晴、晴间少云及多云天气,9:00~18:00CO 2浓度平均值分别在349~350ml/m3(冠上2.8m)、346~348ml/m3(冠上0.8m)、345~349ml/m3(林内16m)、352~357ml/m3(林内5m),较旱季相应天气分别小14~17.5、10.1~23.7、1 6.4~35.7和18.1~36.1ml/m3;1:00~8:00,则雨季CO2浓度大于旱季;梯度浓度廓变量和实时动力计算反映出,8:00~18:00CO2通量由大气向林冠层,旱、雨季平均CO2通量分别为0.61×10-6kg/(m2·s和0.71×10-6kg/(m 2·s),19:00通量甚微,20:00~7:00CO2通量则由林冠向大气,平均CO2通量分别为0.36×10-6kg/(m2·s)和0.32×10-6kg/(m2·s);雨季昼夜大气流向冠层的净CO2通量是相应旱季的1.56倍。
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