英语人>词典>英汉 : Tournai的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[地名] [比利时] 图尔奈

City / 城市 [3852]

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The former or the Realist, more numerous in the early Middle Ages (Fredugisus, Rémy d'Auxerre, and John Scotus Eriugena in the ninth century, Gerbert and Odo of Tournai in the Tenth, and William of Chapeaux in the twelfth) attribute to each species a universal essence, to which all the subordinate individuals are tributary.

前者或写实,多在中世纪早期( Fredugisus ,雷米德欧塞尔,约翰司各脱Eriugena在第九世纪,热尔贝特和Odo的图尔奈在第十,和威廉的开头语中的第十二届)每个属性物种的普遍本质,这是所有的下属个人的支流。

In the case of the 743rd, the battalion stayed in Tournai for four days, waiting for fuel. On September 7, the battalion filled its vehicles and took off.


He was a squires of future generations, the French painter Horace grandmother was the sister who Tournai, he Tournai at an early age who are familiar with the paintings, from the previous two generations to understand the social customs and why this show that he can adapt to the countryside life, Familiar scenes of the countryside, but also for France's case from the left off any chance.


The great master of Tournai centers his composition on the Compassio Mariae, the passion felt by the Virgin at the suffering and death of her Son.

释文 这位伟大的图尔奈大师让作品集中表现 Compassio Mariae,即圣母在她儿子遭受折磨和去世时的悲痛心情。

Casterman Publishing House, based in Tournai, Belgium, becomes the publisher of the Adventures of Tintin.


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