英语人>词典>英汉 : Timorese的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Within ETTA, several East Timorese have been appointed heads of departments and all district administrators are East Timorese.


He says East Timorese do not yet know enough about the disease, so they are surprised when they contract it.


Despite this defeat, the Timorese were proud of the way we fought, as they are like brothers to us.


Despite this defeat, the Timorese were proud of the way we fought, as they are like brothers to us.


If you leave us here, we will die, was what a Timorese woman in the compound told a visiting UN delegation.


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更多网络解释与Timorese相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

East Timorese:东帝汶的;东帝汶人

East Timor Popular Front;东帝汶人民阵线;BRTT;人阵 | East Timorese;东帝汶的;东帝汶人;; | Falintil;东帝汶民族解放组织武装部队;;

Timor Timorese Asia:东帝汶

尼泊尔 Nepal Nepalese Asia | 东帝汶 Timor Timorese Asia | 越南 Vietnam Vietnamese Asia

Timorese Democratic Union:帝汶民主联盟(民盟);UDT;民盟

timberdog;木扒钉; ; | Timorese Democratic Union;帝汶民主联盟(民盟);UDT;民盟 | Timorese Popular Democratic Association;帝汶人民民主协会(民协);APODETI;民协

Timorese Democratic Union:帝汶民主联盟

Tilsit, Treaty of 提尔西特条约 | Timorese Democratic Union 帝汶民主联盟 | Timur 帖木儿

Timorese Democratic Union:帝汶民主 盟

Tilsit, Treaty of 提尔西特条约 | Timorese Democratic Union 帝汶民主 盟 | Timur 帖木儿

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