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The Barber Shop的中文,翻译,解释,例句

The Barber Shop

The Barber Shop的基本解释


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I'll go to the barber shop to have my hair cut because my hair is too long.


Nowadays, I live in a different New Jersey town, where I can walk to the barber shop.


New, and straight from the Barber Custom Shop, The Barb EQ adds cool Blackface-sounding controls to the 5E3 Tweed Deluxe and to amps using single or no tone knob designs. The Barb EQ has three controls, volume, treble and bass. Your Tweed Deluxe will sound much larger and very much like the sweetest Blackface Deluxe you ever heard, with greatly enhanced volume control and input headroom. Just add this in front of your small to medium amp, and enjoy the ability to footswitch bubbly BF style tone into any amp. The Barb E.Q. also can attenuate better and with much improved frequency response than any guitar's volume knob, as well as being able to boost your signal if needed. The true bypass has an effect insert to allow simplied switching of other pedals. The Barber E.Q. uses a voltage booster to run internally at 25 volts, and externally uses 9 volts (either battery or optional adapter) to keep life simple.

这类产品一直是哥喜欢的,不过国内买不到特别能用的,哥自己也只有一块儿ELECTRO-HARMONIX的TUBE EQ,虽然声儿好但是噪音有点儿操蛋个头儿又大跟个便当盒子似的,而且哥自己也极其腻味电子管儿的维护与更换, CARL MARTIN的吧李大胡子又说不好使,声儿太干,想托人带个SADOWSKY PREAMP DI 吧又太TM贵了,哥也后悔前段儿时间邱培容出呀内块儿SADOWSKY 的时候儿哥没出手,不过哥还是希望有个BARTOLINI 的TCT PEDAL,内才是MARCUS MILLER用的,最近看到 ATELIER Z也出了不少类似产品,价格也不高,不过日本子内边儿购买有点儿不方便啊,我操这下可好了, BARBER 出这个正是哥喜欢的哥说实话极其腻味给FENDER用MID-RANGE CONTROL过者DRIVE类BOOST

更多网络解释与The Barber Shop相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The barber shop:这间理发店

It would be best if he waited here.|他最好在外面等 | The barber shop.|这间理发店 | Now it got signed over to the bank, and the bank signed some over to Frank.|现在要押给银行了 银行会拨些钱给法兰克

The barber shop:<理发店>

.The.Pharmacist.1933 | .The.Barber.Shop.1933 | .Pulp.Fiction.1994

in the barber's chair:在理发店的椅子上

19. 在我的理发店里 in my barber shop | 20. 在理发店的椅子上 in the barber's chair | 21. call sb.at+号码,给某人打这个号码