英语人>词典>英汉 : TIROS的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

TIROS ['tairəus]


=Television and Infrared Observation Satellite 电视和红外辐射观测卫星, 泰罗斯气象侦察卫星[美]

更多网络例句与TIROS相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The sun-synchronous, polar-orbiting TIROS N satellites could no longer track him, but he was one of the animals we hoped to see off Central America.

科学家无法再用太阳同步卫星&TIROS N&对它进行追踪,但它恰恰是我们想在中美洲海域观察的蓝鲸之一。

Based on the data of particles in the inner zone for nearly two solar cycles provided by the low altitude (870km) weather satellites TIROS/NOAA, we have analyzed the change of the flux of high-energy protons in various time and energy scales.


Based on the dataof particles in the inner zone for nearly two solar cycles provided by the low altitude (870km) weather satellites TIROS/NOAA, we have analyzed the change of the flux of high-energy protons in various time and energy scales.


更多网络解释与TIROS相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


自1960年4月第一颗电视和红外观测卫星 (TIROS) 气象卫星发射以来,该系列所有卫星均由洛克希德马丁公司为美国宇航局 ...旨在扩大 NOAA 为用户提供不间断的环境资料产品的能力.

TIROS:泰罗斯卫星; 电视红外观测卫星

TIR 红外热光谱 | Tiros 泰罗斯卫星; 电视红外观测卫星 | Tiros Operational Vertical Sounder 泰罗斯业务垂直探空器

TIROS meteorological satellite:泰洛斯气象卫星

"tipping-bucket rain gauge","倾斗雨量计" | "TIROS meteorological satellite","泰洛斯气象卫星" | "TIROS-N","泰洛斯N卫星"