英语人>词典>英汉 : Stonehenge的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Stonehenge ['stəunhendʒ]


(英国 Salisbury 平原上的)史前巨石柱

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Continuing with the different members of the band, Balazs Bota has been in Stonehenge since the very beginning and is indeed the only remaining founding member. Considering the fact that the band has been around (although with different lineups) since 1992, has he ever told the rest of you how he feels to finally release an album after all this time? Do all of you tend to feed off on each other's enthusiasm for the progress of Stonehenge?

继续来谈谈你们的团员,Balazs Bota可说是Stonehenge的元老成员,事实上他也是仅存的元老团员,从1992年开始这个乐团就已经存在了(虽然经历不少次成员变动),他曾和你们聊过,经历了这麼久终於发行了这张专辑,他的感受是如何吗?

Like Lockyer's Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered, William Stukeley's 1740 study of Stonehenge stands out among the huge number of books on the subject. Stukeley was a pioneer preservationist.


It is remarkable that two centuries later Lockyer also propounded a theory that Stonehenge was built by immigrants from the Near East. Also of note is Stukeley's discovery of vast linear features in the vicinity of Stonehenge. This of course anticipated Watkins' ley lines.


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这就是"尼斯湖"(Loch Ness)和"巨石阵"(Stonehenge),前者被评为世界自然遗产,后者被评为世界文化遗产,都是世界级的景区. 它们各据英国的南北,尼斯湖在英国北部地区,以其神秘的"湖怪"闻名天下;另一个神秘的地方就是位于英国西南部的巨石阵,


说明: 巨石柱群 (Stonehenge)是一座高龄4000年的古太阳观测遗址,因此以它作为太阳子女在地球夜空中欢聚合影时的背景,实在是一件很巧妙的选择. 这个巨石结构大约是在公元前二千年建造的,而这幅行星聚会的时间却是在不久之前的2002年5月4日晚上.


具有5000年历史的神秘石堆--斯通亨奇(Stonehenge)就在此镇上. 斯通亨奇是欧洲最著名的史前石碑之一. 一座13世纪的天主教堂也是该镇的骄傲. 镇上还有好些半木构房屋、小旅馆和茶店. 加的夫--(Cardiff)看文化与购物设施布这个丘陵地带有好多由蜂蜜色石头建成的美丽小镇和乡村.


(在英格兰威尔特郡 (Wiltshire) 索尔斯伯里北部的高原地带,为著名的史前巨石柱群 (Stonehenge) 所在地)


39 英国伦敦国会大厦 Houses of Parliament,Britan | 40 英国斯顿亨治"环状列石" Stonehenge,Britain | 41 西班牙阿尔罕布拉宫狮子院 Court of Lions in Alhambra Palace,Spain

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