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Many couplets and quatrains of Theognis fall under this head; and an excellent instance on a larger scale is the fragment of fourteen lines by Simonides of Amorgos,[7] which is the exact type on which many of the later epigrams of life are moulded.

许多对联和绝句的Theognis属于这一头;和一个极好例如在更大的规模上是片段的14株西蒙尼德的阿摩尔戈斯, [ 7 ]这是确切的类型上许多后来警句的生活型。

In 1865, Nietzsche followed his professor Friedrich Ritchl to the University of Leipzig, where he established his academic reputation with essays on Aristotle, Theognis and Simonides.

1865年,尼采之后,他教授的弗里德里希Ritchl莱比锡大学,他在那里建立了他的学术声誉与论亚里士多德, Theognis和西蒙尼德。

Of youth. Don't be surprised, Simonides


"Quite correct, Socrates, if Simonides is to be believed."


"When Simonides said that the repayment of a debt was justice, he did not mean to include that case?"


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Stesenor 斯铁塞诺尔 | Simonides 西蒙尼戴斯 | Stesilaus 司铁西拉欧斯


Simon,John 西蒙,约翰-选自现代卷 | Simonides西蒙尼德斯-选自王以欣<<神话>> | Simplon 辛普朗(山口)

The Shipwreck of Simonides:西莫尼狄斯遇难记

旅行者和命运女神/The Traveler and Fortune | 西莫尼狄斯遇难记/The Shipwreck of Simonides | 墨丘利和伐木工/Mercury and the Woodman

The Shipwreck of Simonides:西莫尼迪斯遭遇海难

The Love of Child 爱子之心 | The Shipwreck of Simonides 西莫尼迪斯遭遇海难 | An Ant and a Fly 蚂蚁和苍蝇