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Rous sarcoma的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Rous sarcoma

Rous sarcoma的基本解释


更多网络例句与Rous sarcoma相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is understandable, then, that scientists strongly resisted the idea first put forward by Howard Temin that in a virus which caused cancer in chickens, rous sarcoma virus, the virus particles contained RNA but replicated in the cell as DNA.

因此有个事实是可以理解的----科学家反对Howard Temin首先提出的引起鸡癌的rous sarcoma的病毒粒子含RNA,但在寄主细胞里以DNA复制的观点。

Unmutated proto-src coding region is tumorigenic if expressed from the promoter of Rous sarcoma virus: implications for the gene-mutation hypothesis of cancer.


更多网络解释与Rous sarcoma相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rous sarcoma:劳斯肉瘤

round cell 圆细胞 | rous sarcoma 劳斯肉瘤 | royal cell 王台

rous sarcoma:肉瘤

Roussy-Levy综合征 Roussy-Levy Syndrome | Rous肉瘤 Rous Sarcoma | Rous肉瘤病毒 Rous sarcoma virus


骨膜性肉瘤 sarcoma,periosteal | 劳斯肉瘤 sarcoma,Rous | 肌节,肌小节 sarcomere