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[人名] 龙德

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Li has recorded several CDs and a DVD to his credit, including Prophetic Bird and Salut d'Amour on CDs with POLOARTS in 2002 and 2004 respectively, a DVD in 2005 entitled La Ronde Des Lutins performing on Stradivari BELLO 1687, Stradivari RIES 1693 and Guarneri BALOKOVIC 1729, and a SACD entitled The Soul of Violin recorded on four violins provided by Stradivari Society.

2007年4月8日下午3点半李氏将在三藩市Herbst Theatre举行首次个人独奏会,演译理察施特劳斯优美的小提琴奏鸣曲及由巴济尼、陈钢、萨拉沙蒂、秦咏城、衞斯曼作曲及米尔斯坦改编自李斯特和盖希文的经典小提琴精彩曲目,与李氏三重奏成员之一的钢琴家李天慧合作演出,门票分$50$28$18,现已在City Box Office及三藩市吴兴记等发售,订票及查询请致电1-415-392-4400 或 1-415-781-8330,喜爱音乐的朋友不容错过。

These three are among his greatest:"La Ronde"(1950), a delicately sweet and sour roundelay of chance meetings, secret trysts, hopeless courtships and cuckolded lovers;"Le Plaisir"(1952), a trilogy of romantic tales told with a mix of sweet generosity and a wistful sense of regret; and "The Earrings of Madame de ...", a melancholy waltz of romantic tragedy where the irrationality of emotion shatters the social illusion of perfection and breaks the rules of the game.

这三部是他最伟大的作品:&La Ronde&(1950),一段偶尔相遇,优美酸甜的圆舞曲,进而私下幽会,却是无望的恋爱期,结果给情人戴了绿帽子; Le Plaisir&(1952),浪漫情怀三部曲,甜蜜的慷慨、后悔的惆怅,让我们心里不知道是滋味;伯爵夫人的耳环&讲述了一段悲伤的华尔兹,罗曼蒂克式的悲剧,这里情感的不合理性粉碎了社会至善至美的假象,打破了游戏的规则。

In Montreal, we also have a world class amusement park, called La Ronde.

在蒙特利尔,我们还有一个世界级的游乐公园,被称为La Ronde公园。

On August 9 and 10, there will be the Chinese Cultural Festivity staged at La Ronde.

另外,在8月9号和10号,La Ronde公园还将举办中国文化节。

But there's no question that Nicole Kidman 's professional life was kicked into a new, loftier orbit after she starred in "The Blue Room," David Hare 's adaptation of "La Ronde."


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romance 抒情歌曲/浪漫曲 | ronde 圆舞曲 | vaudeville 滑稽歌舞剧


nocturn:夜祷 | ronde:回旋曲(不确定......) | symphony:交响曲


terre,地球 | ronde,圆的 | franchir,穿过,走过

La Ronde:轮舞

这就是马克斯奥弗斯的三部曲((调情>>(Liebelei)、<<一个陌生女人的来信>>(Lettre d'une inconnue)和((轮舞>>(La Ronde):三部分别在德国、好莱坞以及柏林导演的影片,并且都是改编自奥地利作品(<<一个陌生女人的来信>>由施泰芬茨威格所著,

La Ronde:全音符

La double ronde 二全音符,大音符 | La ronde 全音符 | La blanche 二分音符

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