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Three protozoa (Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus, Amoeba proteus) were isolated from soil. The porous simulation with glass bead, soil column and root box incubation experiments were made to study the association of protozoa movement with phosphorus translocation and its influencing factors. The effects of protozoa on corn growth and corn straw mineralization were also involved. The results showed that protozoa movement in glass bead column was greatly controlled by the pore sizes. Bodo edax, about 5-7 m, could pass through the pores of 28-20 11 m in diameters. Colpoda cucullus (30-60 m) could move through the pores of 155~116 m. However, no Amoebaproteus(100~150 m) was found in the effluents from all the columns. All the three protozoa made 32P redistribution in soil column.
本研究利用土壤中常见的3种原生动物(梨波豆虫Bodo edax、僧帽肾形虫Colpoda cucullus、大变形虫Amoeba proteus),通过玻璃珠孔隙模拟、土柱及根箱培养试验,研究3种原生动物运动与磷素运移之间的关系及其影响因素,以及原生动物对玉米磷素营养的影响,同时对3种原生动物在玉米秸秆分解中的作用做了初步的探索,研究结果表明:原生动物的运动与孔隙密切相关,Bodo edax(5~7μm)能够穿过28~20μm孔隙,Colpoda cucullus (30~60μm)只能穿过155~116μm的孔隙,而Amoeba proteus(100~150μm)不能从玻璃柱中流出。
Inoculating the three protozoa reduced soil microbial biomass C. But corn straw decomposition was not decreased, even increased when inoculating Colpoda cucullus. The protozoa, in particular, Colpoda cucullus also had some effects on N and P transformation.
向土壤接种原生动物,虽然减少了土壤微生物生物量,但却促进了玉米秸秆分解,还对土壤有效磷含量、氮素转化产生显著的影响,其中Colpoda cucullus效果最明显。
Object to the increasing numbers of transposable elements in protozoa genome, this review focus on the types and genomic distributions of transposable elements in newly completed genome of protozoa parasite, mainly including Trypanosoma, Leishmania, microsporidia, Amoebozoa.
- 更多网络解释 与Protozoa相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Subkingdom Protozoa:原生动物亚界
常见种类与分类 根据运动细胞器的有无和类型分为鞭毛虫、阿米巴、纤毛虫和孢子虫四大类,生物学分类隶属于原生生物界(Kingdom Protista),原生动物亚界(Subkingdom Protozoa)之下的三个门,即肉足鞭毛门(Phylum Sarcomastigophora),如动鞭纲、叶足纲;
Holozoic protozoa:吞食性原生动物
退化作用 Degradation | 吞食性原生動物 Holozoic protozoa | 脫飽和作用 Desaturation
物种多样性现代的生物学把所有的生物分为五界(Kingdom),即原核生物界(Monera)原生生物(Protozoa)、植物界(Plantae)、动物界(Animalia)、真菌界(Fungi). 植物行光合作用,是生产者;动物行消化作用,是消费者;真菌行吸收作用,是分解者.
目录 绪论第1章 原生动物门(Protozoa)第2章 多细胞动物的发育与起源第3章 多孔动物(Porifera)第4章 刺胞动物门第5章 扁形动物门第6章 假体腔动物第7章 环节动物门第8章 软体动物门第9章 节肢动物门第10章 苔藓动物门、腕足动物
第一节 藻类植物(Algae)资源第二节 菌类(Fungi)资源第三节 地衣(Lichens)资源第四节 苔藓植物(Bryophyta)资源第五节 蕨类植物(Pteridophyta)资源第六节 裸子植物(Gymnospermae)资源第一节 原生动物(Protozoa)资源第二节 有刺胞
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