Procyon ['prəusiɔn]
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- Procyonidae
- Procyoninae
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- Procyon lotor
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When Procyon got the source, 1 render file was obviously corrupt or became corrupted. The same corrupt file was supplied by Procyon to Reloaded. Either no group noticed the corruption or they let it go out with the bug, thinking they'd rels early for points and then be able to fix from resupply.
B5 s ~; t q. C5 k; d# F When Procyon got the source, 1 render file was obviously corrupt or became corrupted. The same corrupt file was supplied by Procyon to Reloaded. Either no group noticed the corruption or they let it go out with the bug, thinking they'd rels early for points and then be able to fix from resupply.
|# H* f v/ C Procyon拿到源文件的时候,一个渲染文件很明显出错或者受损了,出错的文件就到了reloaded手上,可能没有组织注意到这个受损的文件或者他们无视了它,觉得反正很快就要发售,到时候肯定能拿到正确的文件。
Shining at magnitude +0.4 (as bright as the star Procyon in Canis Minor), it will set nearly two hours after the Sun.
- 更多网络解释 与Procyon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
说明: 这张照片 是摄自於加拿大安大略湖区(Ontario)的加勒多(Caledon),从照片里可以看到一轮明月及环绕的月晕,在这圈月晕里可以见到木星(Jupiter), 南河三(Procyon), 双子座北河二(Castor)以及北河三(Pollux).
本科中的一支存在于美洲,即以浣熊属(Procyon)为代表的美洲浣熊. 另一支即小熊猫属(Ailurus),单独存在于亚洲的东南部,仅一种,即小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens). 小熊猫外形肥壮似熊,头较宽短似猫,尾长,上有9个红褐、黄白相间的环纹,
Pollux 北河三(位于双子座) | Procyon 南河三(位于小犬座) | Puppis 船尾座
Procyon:南河三(位于小犬座) Puppis 船尾座
Pollux 北河三(位于双子座) | Procyon 南河三(位于小犬座)Puppis 船尾座 | Pyxis 罗盘座
Procyon B:南河三
Sirius B 天狼星B | Procyon B 南河三B | Betelgeuse 参宿四
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