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[地名] [菲律宾、葡萄牙、意大利] 帕维亚
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This is the most famous attraction in pavia, Certosa di pavia have a long story, there are kinds of valuable cultural relics, i only cant say it magnificent and grand, i had been there twice, but still would like to go again, inside some pastors will explain the history for travellers as a guide in italiano and english, but u should pay for it, but no all pay for them it is just exists between Pavia and Milan,7 km far away from Pavia.
With the consent and approval of this present council, we therefore, by this present decree, depute and assign the city of Pavia for this purpose, and we ordain and decree that prelates and others who ought to be summoned to general councils are obliged to go to Pavia at the aforesaid time.
事先征得其同意与批准,目前这个理事会,因此,我们,目前这个法令, depute ,并指派市帕维亚为此,我们阿拉维和法令,主教和其他人应该被传召出席省议会有责任去到帕维亚在上述时间。
In 1819 Volta left the University of Pavia and retired to Como where he lived with his wife, three young children, and two brothers.
在1819年沃尔塔离开Pavia大学并且回到他接受他的的Como妻子,3 个幼小的孩子和两个兄弟。
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774年6月,[[帕维亚]](Pavia)陷落,伦巴底国王狄西德里乌斯(Desiderius)被俘. 查理兼任法兰克和伦巴底国王,伦巴底人对义大利的统治自此结束. 北欧人包括丹麦人、瑞典人和挪威人,他们在海上侵袭高卢和日耳曼的海岸.
意大利帕维亚大学(Pavia)大学研究人员发现,葡萄酒能够消灭引起口腔疾病的细菌,即使将葡萄酒中的酒精去除,也能够起到相同功效. 不过这仅仅是在试管中进行的试验,如果说仅靠一杯葡萄酒就能治好你的蛀牙还为时过早.
意大利的税负米兰(Milano)最高,然后是博洛尼亚(Bologna)、巴维亚(Pavia)、瓦雷泽(Varese)和奥斯达(Aosta),罗马排第21,拉古萨(Ragusa)排最后. 上述排名是通过分析意大利人在地方税上支付多少钱的一项调查得出的. 意大利人均年纳税额为1,
3 ModenaEReggioE. 摩德纳雷焦艾米利亚大学 | 4 Pavia 帕维亚大学(合作大学) | 5 Trento 特伦托大学
259 OKAYAMA UNIV 冈山大学 Japan 30.36 | 260 UNIV PAVIA 帕维亚大学 Italy 30.30 | 262 BEN GURION UNIV NEGEV 内盖夫本吉瑞大学 Israel 30.20
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