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Acclimatization to winter conditions is an essential prerequisite for survival of small passerines of the northern temperate zone.


Based on these observations, we hypothesised that (1) the length of the breeding season, food resources and predation are critical for the evolution of passerine reproductive patterns in alpine meadows;(2) that alpine meadow passerines used single-investment and accumulative-investment strategies;(3) that the typical clutch size was actually the most efficient for reproductive purposes;(4) and that the transition from neonate to fledgling passerines is a relatively fixed process as compensatory growth does not appear to occur;(5) and that growth period is volatile.


In search of shorebirds, I cross by crowded ferry from Hainan to Beihai, mainland China's southernmost port near the border with Vietnam. Aboard, a large box of passerines and mynah birds, heading for death in exquisite cages, keeps up a cheerful chorus while the rest of the passengers succumb to a dumb seasickness.


That forest looks fantastic, but it is just too big to look for passerines in.


Purple martins, passerines, wood ducks and all other different species have different preferences.

紫色马丁斯, passerines ,木鸭,和所有其他不同物种有不同的偏好。

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台湾的陆生哺乳类有61种,仅约三分之一的种类有跳蚤的记录;而台湾约有450种鸟类,但迄今台湾的野鸟尚无跳蚤寄生的记录(Maa and Kuo 1965),在国外有很多海鸟(seabird)及燕雀类(passerines)有跳蚤寄生.


有报告说绦虫曾经出现在金刚鹦鹉中(MacMillan, pc), 但是通常错过了粪便检查也没有被诊断过.绦虫感染在以下的鸟儿中比较常见:雀形目鸟(passerines),水禽(waterfowl),和野鸟.治疗使用吡喹酮(praziquantel)是有效的.由于国内繁殖