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Extreme xerophyte ; Reaumuria soongorica ; Salsola passerina ; diurnal variances of the photosynthetic rate ; physio-ecological characteristic


Having long lived in rigor habitats,two extreme xerophytes Reaumuria soongorica and Salsola passerina formed special biological features and physio-ecological adaptations.


In Salsola passerina -Reaumuria soongorica community, the first ordination axes explains the salinization gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community,Salsola passerina-Oxytropis aciphylla community,and Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerine community,soil alkalization increases. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerina community and Salsola passerina community, soil texture becomes coarser. In the Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community, the first ordination axis indicates the soil water gradient, and the second ordination axes explains hydrothermal coupling gradient. In the Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, the first ordination axis explains the soil pH gradient, along the order of Ulmus glaucescens-Prunus mongolica community, Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, and Potentilla fruticosa-Prunus mongolica community, soil pH value reduces. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, and Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, the contents of silt and clay increase, and soil texture suggests a fine trend.


In Salsola passerina-Reaumuria soongoriea community, the first ordination axes explains the salinization gradient. along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Salsola passerina-Oxytropis aciphylla community, and Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerine community, soil alkalization increases. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerina community and Salsola passerina community, soil texture becomes coarser. In the Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community, the first ordination axis indicates the soil water gradient, and the second ordination axes explains hydrothermal coupling gradient. In the Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, the first ordination axis explains the soil pH gradient, along the order of Ulmus glaucescens-Pnuius mongolica community, Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, and Potentilla fnuicosa-Prunus mongolica community, soil pH value reduces. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, and Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, the contents of silt and clay increase, and soil texture suggests a fine trend.


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有很多地方生产像Rosso Piceno一样的Faleriodei ColliAscolani,它的混合品种有非常普遍的托斯卡纳棠比内洛,但能从中品尝到两个传统品种的成分,即派科琳诺(Pecorino)和帕斯琳娜(Passerina).

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Salsola passerina:珍珠猪毛菜

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Columbina passerina:地鸠

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