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Under this solution, Plato justifies the possibility for soul of knowing the truth, and makes his way of truth possible. In this fighting, those with whom Plato fights are not those philosophers that are remarked by Aristotle in Metaphysics A 6.987a33-b10, but the philosopher of Elea, Parmenides. On the one hand, the key point of Plato's theory of Forms is coming from Parmenides' concept of Being, which is ungenerated and imperishable, yet on the other hand, the attempt for the possibility of saving the phenomena and for soul to know the truth is urging Plato to put Parmenides' claim to the question.
柏拉图在这当中所奋力搏斗的,主要并不是亚里士多德在《物理学以后诸篇》A 6.987a33-b10所提及的这些哲学家,而是历史上的这位伊利亚哲学家---巴曼尼德斯:柏拉图分离相论的核心来自巴曼尼德斯其毫无生灭变动的「完满的是」,然而,柏拉图拯救现象以及保全思考与知识的可能性的这个企图,却又是必须对巴曼尼德斯的「完满的是」提出批判。
Heraclitus (Ephesus, 535 BC), who lived around the same area and time as Parmenides, concluded the opposite of Parmenides that we can trust our senses and our senses tell us that everything is in flux in eternity.
After narrativing all kinds of interpretations and their limits to Parmenides' fragments by the field of philosophy, the author use the investigation of "Being" and "Thought" by Heiddeger, and try to produce a new interpretation to Parmenides' philosophy by the understanding to the sentence of "It is the same thing that can be thought and that can be ".
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在其他地方,他表示了对言辞(诸恶中的最坏者)的厌恶(89d 2)--厌恶议论(misology)--同时也表明,语言的消失就是哲学本身的丧失(<<智者篇>>[Soph.] 260a 6-7),然而,在<<巴门尼德篇>>(Parmenides)中,理念却被定义为
[6] 见卡尔.莱因哈特:<<巴门尼德>>(Parmenides)第2版,第26页;亦见第5-11页,巴门尼德的话,DK,B1:31-32,它们是这里引文的第一、二两行. 我的第三行是巴门尼德,DK,B8:60,参见色诺芬,B35. 我的第四行是巴门尼德,DK,B8:61.
G Ryle, "Plato's Parmenides," Mind 1939:摹赖尔,"柏拉图的巴门尼德,"心灵1939
WG Runciman, Plato's Later Epistemology工作组朗... | G Ryle, "Plato's Parmenides," Mind 1939摹赖尔,"柏拉图的巴门尼德,"心灵1939 | G Ryle, "Logical Atomism in Plato's Theaetetus, Phronesis 1990摹赖尔,"逻辑...
RE Allen, Plato's Parmenides:Translation and Analysis:稀土艾伦,柏拉图的巴门尼德:翻译和分析
The theory of Forms 理论的形式 | RE Allen, Plato's Parmenides:Translation and Analysis稀土艾伦,柏拉图的巴门尼德:翻译和分析 | FM Cornford, Plato's Theory of Knowledge调频康福德,柏拉图的理论知识