英语人>词典>英汉 : Palladian的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

Palladian [pə'leidjən]


(16世纪意大利建筑家)帕拉第奥(A.Palladio)的,帕拉第奥建筑型式的, [希神]智慧女神帕拉斯(Pallas)的

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Aura's design gives form to an ethereal space that doesn't collide with the beauty and harmony of Palladian interiors nor does it hide the perception of its frescoes.


Science is not the cool Palladian temple of rationality that it was in the Enlightenment.

d ^ z4 I。 K$ w 科学不再是启蒙时代理性的雅典娜神殿,冷峻而自持。

Here, the formality of a Palladian window and a collection of symmetrically mounted china plates contrast nicely with rough-sawn paneling on the walls and ceiling.


The estate of 500 Hectares was purchased in 1989 by John and Kathe Dyson, whose love of Tuscany led them to embark on a restoration of the Estate which included the Palladian Villa and Park built by the original owner, the Marchese Incontri in the 1700's.


And when chaste Palladian design gave way to rococo excess in the mid-18th century, so fashion - particularly in France - went ever so slightly over the top.

画像宏伟法国女装,尤其是对玛丽安托,显示了巨大广泛,奢华装饰的礼服看起来就像外墙的4000 当代建设。

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文艺复兴 Renaissance | 帕拉迪奥风格 Palladian | 新艺术运动 Art Nouveau


Pall ring 鲍尔环 | Palladian 巴拉迪欧式建筑 | Palladian window 巴拉迪欧窗

Palladian Basilica:帕拉第奥式的巴西利卡教堂

帕拉第奥式的巴西利卡教堂 Palladian Basilica | 基耶里凯蒂宫 Palazzo Chiericati | 圣乔治.马乔雷女修道院教堂 Church of the Convent of San Giorgio Maggiore

Palladian window:巴拉迪欧窗

Palladian 巴拉迪欧式建筑 | Palladian window 巴拉迪欧窗 | palladious iodide 碘化亚钯

City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of Veneto:维琴察市和威尼托区帕拉蒂奥式别墅群

1993 玛特拉的石窟民居I Sassi di Matera | 1994,1996 维琴察市和威尼托区帕拉蒂奥式别墅群City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of Veneto | 1995 锡耶纳历史中心Historic Centre of Siena

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