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LOS ANGELES - Attention Academy Award winners: David Quinto will sue you if you sell your Oscar. He'll sue you if you try to sell someone else's Oscar, or if you make a fake Oscar, or even if you call yourself an Oscar winner.
奥斯卡金像奖的获奖者注意了:如果你倒卖你的奥斯卡,如果你试图倒卖其他人的奥斯卡,或者你制造假的奥斯卡,甚至你自诩自己是一个奥斯卡获奖者, David Quinto 将会起诉你。
Popular message: When newest when an Oscar awards prize, most website rolled out online direct seeding timelily, let people can be in win Oscar for a short while the circumstance of bear the palm of each large award, the website popularizes him to the user of wide attention Oscar.
Among the candidates are two Oscar veterans, two newcomers (Mulligan, a Brit beguiler in her first starring movie role, and Sidibe, who had never gone for so much as an audition before testing for Precious) and the wild card: Bullock, who matches Jeff Bridges for likability but has never been nominated for an Oscar before.
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为了替换这些核潜艇,遂于1969年提出了建造一级高性能巡航导弹核潜艇的计划,即 "奥斯卡"(Oscar)级巡航导弹核潜艇. 2.研制计划 (1)计划概况 "奥斯卡"级核潜艇是在前几级巡航导弹核潜艇基础上改进的.
梁烈唯(Oscar)本月廿六日生日,他出席无线三月星辰聚会,表示寿星仔刚於公司停车场撞车,笑言生日愿望不要再咁失魂. 梁烈唯(Oscar)本月廿六日生日,他出席无铫三月星辰聚会,表示寿星仔刚於公司停车场撞车,笑言生日愿望不要再咁失魂.
{mosimage}电影>(Once) 的插曲>赢了今年"奥斯卡(Oscar)"的最佳电影歌曲奖,代表著主流的电影工业对独立制作的一点嘉许. 导演尊格尼(John Carey)以十万英镑,只写了60页的剧本,在17天里完成拍摄这部小品电影.
奥斯卡奖"(OSCAR)是世界上最享盛名的电影奖. 它是美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发的,所以又被称为"学院奖". 起始于1929年. 它的标志是一个高13.5英寸的镀金雕像,在一块电影胶片的底座上,屹立着一个身材魁伟的男性,他的双手紧握着一柄长剑.
Oscar:abbr. oregon state conversational aid to research; 俄勒冈州科研会话助手(一种多用途语言)
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