New Yorker [,nju:'jɔ:kə(r)]
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纽约州人或居民, 纽约市人或居民
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Franny and Zooey" and "Raise High the Roof Beam," both collections of material previously published in The New Yorker, came out in 1961 and 1963, and the last work of Mr. Salinger's to appear in print was "Hapworth 16, 1924, a 25,000-word story that took up most of the June 19, 1965, issue of The New Yorker.
The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.
The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.
- 更多网络解释 与New Yorker相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
New Yorker:纽约人
两三年前,> (New Yorker) 杂志刊载的一篇关于国家档案馆 (National Archives) 的文章直言不讳地指出,"虽说过去的20世纪无疑记录下比历史上任何其他时代都更多的资料,但是,也几乎可以肯定的是丢失了比先前任何时代都更多的信息.
New Yorker:<纽约客》杂志
在那场互联网泡沫破裂后的余波中,>杂志(New Yorker)刊登了这样一幅漫画:郁郁寡欢的经理人正在出席一次沉闷无趣的会议,其中有一个人对其他人说,"谁还记得我们的核心业务是什么?
New Yorker:(纽约客)
与1977年纽约地区类似停电事故期间发生大规模骚乱、暴力事件与犯罪活动(3,700人被捕)截然不同,这次全市没有发生哪怕一起火警或罪案. 有人以为九一一事件从反面促进道德复苏,坏事变出了好事,"纽约客"(New Yorker)大有长进.
New Yorker:约人>
[20]1993年7月5日,>(new yorker)发表了一幅著名的黑色漫画式幽默. 画面上的一条坐在计算机前上网的狗对蹲在旁边的另一条狗说:"on the internet,nobody know you're a dog."虽然那幅漫画已经慢慢被人淡忘,
New Yorker magazine:纽约客
New York Times纽约时报杂志 | New Yorker magazine纽约客 | Readers' Digest读者文摘
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