New Church
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Therefore this same holy general synod, representing the universal church and sitting as a tribunal in the aforesaid inquiry, pronounces, decrees and declares by this definitive sentence written here, that the same Peter de Luna, called Benedict XIII as has been said, has been and is a perjurer, a cause of scandal to the universal church, a promoter and breeder of the ancient schism, that long established fission and division in God's holy church, an obstructer of the peace and unity of the said church, a schismatic disturber and a heretic, a deviator from the faith, a persistent violator of the article of the faith One holy catholic church, incorrigible, notorious and manifest in his scandal to God's church, and that he has rendered himself unworthy of every title, rank, honour and dignity, rejected and cut off by God, deprived by the law itself of every right in any way belonging to him in the papacy or pertaining to the Roman pontiff and the Roman church, and cut off from the catholic church like a withered member.
因此,这同样圣地一般主教,普世教会和休憩作为一个法庭在上述的调查,判决,法令,并宣布这个确切的句子写在这里,同彼得德月球,称为本笃十三,正如人们所说的,已是一个perjurer ,引起丑闻,以普世教会,是推动和种鸡的古代裂,即确立已久的裂变,分化,在上帝的圣教会,妨碍了和平与团结的说,教会, schismatic disturber和邪教组织,偏从信念,持续违反者的文章的信仰圣地之一,天主教教会的,不可救药的,恶名昭彰的,并表现在他的丑闻,以上帝的教会,并说,他已令自己辜负每一个名称,职级,荣誉和尊严,拒绝了,并切断被上帝所剥夺,法律本身的每一项权利以任何方式属于他的在教皇或有关罗马教皇与罗马教会,并切断由天主教教会像一个干枯的成员。
This most holy general synod of Constance, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit, having invoked Christ's name and holding God alone before its eyes, having seen the articles drawn up and presented in this case against the lord pope John XXIII, the proofs brought forward, his spontaneous submission and the whole process of the case, and having deliberated maturely on them, pronounces, decrees and declares by this definitive sentence which it commits to writing: that the departure of the aforesaid lord pope John XXIII from this city of Constance and from this sacred general council, secretly and at a suspicious hour of the night, in disguised and indecent dress, was and is unlawful, notoriously scandalous to God's church and to this council, disturbing and damaging for the church's peace and unity, supportive of this long-standing schism, and at variance with the vow, promise and oath made by the said lord pope John to God, to the church and to this sacred council; that the said lord pope John has been and is a notorious simoniac, a notorious destroyer of the goods and rights not only of the Roman church but also of other churches and of many pious places, and an evil administrator and dispenser of the church's spiritualities and temporalities; that he has notoriously scandalised God's church and the christian people by his detestable and dishonest life and morals, both before his promotion to the papacy and afterwards until the present time, that by the above he has scandalised and is scandalising in a notorious fashion God's church and the christian people; that after due and charitable warnings, frequently reiterated to him, he obstinately persevered in the aforesaid evils and thereby rendered himself notoriously incorrigible; and that on account of the above and other crimes drawn from and contained in the said process against him, he should be deprived of and deposed from, as an unworthy, useless and damnable person, the papacy and all its spiritual and temporal administration.
这个最神圣的总主教的人Constance ,合法地聚集在圣灵的,有引用基督的名字和控股只有上帝面前,其眼睛,看过的文章,制定并提出了在这种情况下,对主教宗若望二十三世,论证,提出了,他的自发意见书,并在整个过程中的案件,并经商议成熟对他们的判决,法令,并宣布这个确切的一句话,它致力于写作:即离境的上述主教宗若望二十三世,从这个城市的人Constance从这片神圣的总理事会,偷偷和一名形迹可疑小时的通宵,变相及不雅着装,过去和现在都是非法的,众所周知的丑闻,以上帝的教会和本局,扰乱和损害了教会的和平与团结,支持这个长-常委会裂,并在差异与发誓,承诺与宣誓,由勋爵说,教皇约翰向上帝,向教堂,并把这一神圣的议会;表示勋爵说,教皇约翰一直是一个恶名昭彰的simoniac ,劣迹斑斑的驱逐舰该货物的权利,不仅对罗马教会,而且对其他教会和许多虔诚的地方,以及一个邪恶的管理员及配药的教会的spiritualities和temporalities ;他出名scandalised上帝的地下教会和基督徒的人,由他的可恨和不诚实的生命和道德的,无论是以前,他晋升为教皇,后来就目前为止的时候,即是由上述他scandalised是scandalising在一个恶名昭彰的时装上帝的地下教会和基督教人民,即在经过适当和慈善警告,经常重申,以他,但他硬是坚持了上述弊病,从而变成自己出名不可救药的,并认为是考虑到上述及其他罪行得出,并包含在说的过程中对他的,他就应该被剥夺和被废黜的,从作为一个不配;无用damnable的人,教宗和所有它的精神和时间管理。
We believe that the church, consisting of all true believers, being Christ's own, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is the Body of Christ, the invisible church; that the church is holy, universal, and one in Christ; that the invisible church manifests itself in the visible church, local congregations consisting of all who profess to believe in Christ and are baptized; that as the people of God and a kingdom of priests the church is called to grow unto the stature of the fullness of Christ and to fulfill her mission through the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in worship, sacraments, fellowship, discipline, and service.
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