英语人>词典>英汉 : Monel metal的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Monel metal的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Monel metal

Monel metal的基本解释

[化] 蒙氏合金

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There are also metal frames that are made of special metal alloy called Monel that is resistant to corrosion.


Meanwhile during the course of investigation on the stability of Monel metal, its activeness and selectivity droped after 600 hours.


Simms of Brooklyn, New York churned out the lightest and slickest cages of dural and gleaming monel metal from the 1940s through the 1970s.

Simms 费力地作出 dural 的轻和光滑笼了而且闪烁整 1970 年代从 1940 年代起的 monel 金属。

Said Betty to Bob one day," reads the ad,"wouldn''t it be wonderful if we could have a bright and shining kitchen—with everything matching in Monel Metal?""


In alloys, it is used in coins, Monel metal, nickel silver, nickel-chrome and stainless steels, permanant magnets, and cutlery.


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Monel metal:莫涅尔合金

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Monel metal:蒙乃尔合金

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Monel metal:蒙纳合金

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Monel metal:蒙乃尔铜镍合金

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