Missouri [mi'zuəri]
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Throughout his public service career, Peter Kinder has been honored by various groups for his record and achievements· His awards include: Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout; a special award from St· Louis Children's Hospital, SSM Cardinal Glennon Hospital, and Children's Mercy of Kansas City for support of the State Children's Health Program and health care programs benefiting Missouri children; March of Dimes for Continued Commitment to Infant Healthcare; Southeast Missouri State University Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award; St· Louis Business Journal Legislative Award; Missouri Farm Bureau Outstanding Service to Agriculture; St· Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association Lewis and Clark Statesman Award for Outstanding Leadership; Missouri Restaurant Association Distinguished Service; Associated Industries of Missouri Voice of Missouri Business; Missouri Right to Life Defender of Life; Southeast Missouri Alliance for Disability Independence Elected Official Award; SSM Cardinal Glennon Hospital Child Advocate Award for Civic Commitment; National Federation of Independent Businesses Guardian of Small Business; Missouri State Medical Association for dedication to improving health care; and Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Spirit of Enterprise· cil, a Washington, D·C·, based association of state legislators
在他的公职生涯中,一直保持着各项记录和奖项,其中包括:美国男童军雄鹰奖,圣路易儿童医院特别奖,堪萨斯市儿童慈善奖(支持国家儿童健康和保健计划,并使密苏里儿童从中获益),三月Dimes奖(坚持对婴儿健康项目的承诺),东南密苏里州立大学校友会杰出服务奖,圣路易商业杂志立法奖,密苏里州农场局优秀农业服务奖,圣路易地区商业发展协会颁发的刘易斯和克拉克杰出政治家领导奖,密苏里餐厅协会杰出服务奖,密苏里工业企业协会颁发的密苏里商业之声奖,密苏里捍卫生命权奖,东南密苏里残疾人士联盟颁发的政府奖,SSMG Cardinal Glennon 医院公益承诺与儿童奖,全国独立企业联盟小型企业卫士奖,密苏里州医药协会颁发的改善医疗保健服务奖,密苏里商业和工业协会颁发的企业精神奖及美国法律交流委员会颁发的奖项。
As Lieutenant Governor, Kinder serves as the official Elderly Advocate for Missouri· While in the Missouri Senate, he sponsored and passed the Elderly Protection Act in 2003, which increased the penalties for elder abuse crimes· Through his leadership as President Pro Tem, Missouri crafted the Missouri Senior Rx plan, providing prescription drug coverage for the poorest seniors· In his current capacity, Lt· Governor Kinder continues to work to protect Missouri seniors· As Lt· Governor, Kinder is promoting MOSAFE (Missourians Stopping Adult Financial Exploitation), a program designed to alert financial institutions and the general public to the crime of financially exploiting the elderly and disabled
作为副州长,金得尔先生倡导推进密苏里州的老人计划。在密苏里州参议院,他发起并于2003年通过了《老年人保护法》,加大了对虐待老人罪行的惩罚力度。在他担任临时参议院主席期间,精心起草了《密苏里老年人保险计划》,为贫穷老人提供处方药保险。当选苏里州副州长后,金得尔先生将一如既往地致力于保护密苏里州老人的权益。同时他还将继续促进MOSAFE (停止对成人金融剥削项目),该项目旨在防止金融机构和居民因经济掠夺而损害老年人和残疾人利益。
In 1992, Peter Kinder won election in his first campaign for the 27 th district in the Missouri Senate, representing the counties of Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Madison, Mississippi, Perry, and Scott· In 2001, the Republicans gained a majority in the Missouri Senate for the first time in 53 years· As a result, Kinder was elected President Pro Tem, the top elected official in the Missouri Senate, and led this body for four years through some of the toughest budget times in Missouri history· When Kinder successfully ran for Lt· Governor in 2004, he became the second sitting President Pro Tem to be elected Lieutenant Governor
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[kansascity网站4月26日报道]美国海军的一艘新潜艇"密苏里州"(Missouri)号即将服役. 该艇是"弗吉尼亚"级核动力攻击型潜艇中的一艘,建造耗资20亿美元,即将将服役美海军第二潜艇中队.
在休战的日子里,曾流行著一种类似华尔滋曲调的"密苏里"(Missouri),它与" 马滋卡旋律"(Mazurka rhythm)是有别的. 令人百思不解的是:早期的狐步舞,无论是自由式舞步或是狐步式旋转,皆以自然方向(Natural direction)旋转,
将距今5500年前仰韶文化河南大河村类型鹳兜/羲和/常羲/三苗九黎/畎夷/宿沙部族联盟的图腾徽铭,原封不动地重现;他们继续向东发展,分为两支:蚩尤与伏羲女娲后裔羲和常羲氏,分布在南密西西比河 (Mississippi)、密苏里河(Missouri)流域的密西西比州,田纳西州 (Tennessee),
missive公文;信件 | Missouri密苏里阶 | missourite白榴橄辉岩
美国农场工 工作地点:密苏里州(MO Missouri)-哥伦比亚市郊(Columbia) 招聘工种:大型农场招聘货车司机、玉米种植和除草工人. 一、报名条件:1.年龄20-45周岁,男女不限,货车司机年龄可适当放宽;2.初中以上学历,会英语对话者报名从优;3.货车司机(B本以上
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