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Maundy Thursday的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday的基本解释


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In the rite of foot washing, we are doing much more than re-enacting the Maundy Thursday Gospel Lesson.


Of course, we are doing much more than re-enacting the Maundy Thursday Gospel Lesson.


This is preceded by various services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Eve, including the Blessing of the Candle.


Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, as part of Holy Week is properly called Thursday of the Lord's Supper.


Quite recently, Maundy Thursday, upon which meat was hitherto always forbidden, has come to share in the same indulgence.

最近, maundy周四时,其中肉类是迄今一直禁止的,有来分享同样的放纵。

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更多网络解释与Maundy Thursday相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maundy Thursday:濯足星期四

复活节前第一个星期四举办的"濯足星期四"(Maundy Thursday),是惟一能在这里举办的一个特别的天主教圣事. 在这一天的子夜或凌晨,要用橄榄油和葡萄酒象征性地清洗大祭台;参加祭奠的各级各类神职人员排着队,依次向大祭台象征性地喷洒完油和酒以后,

Maundy Thursday:濯足节

但是,基督教新教一个月只提供两次"主的晚餐"(新教对圣餐的称谓),在一些特别的日子如"星期四濯足节"(Maundy Thursday)里也要举行. 在这里,由教长来主持仪式,他和会众的世俗领袖一起站在圣餐桌的后面. 面包被分成小片,酒只有一小杯,

Maundy Thursday:我们的幸福时光

原声大碟 ->(Maundy Thursday)韩影 更新> MV主演: 姜东元、李娜英[MP3!]

Maundy Thursday:濯足星期四(耶稣受难节)

thesaurus 主题词表 | Maundy Thursday 濯足星期四(耶稣受难节) | Shrove Tuesday 忏悔节(四旬斋开始的前一天)