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She was lost in so many different ways out in the darkness with no guide i know the cost of a losing hand there but for the grace of god go i i found heaven on earth you were my last, my first and then i hear this voice inside ave maria i've been alone when i'm surrounded by friends how could the silence be so loud but i still go home knowing that i've got you there's only us when the lights go down you are my heaven on earth you are my hunger, my thirst i always hear this voice inside singing ave maria sometimes love can come and pass you by while your busy making plans suddenly hit you and then you realize it's out of your hands, baby you got to understand you are my heaven on earth you are my last, my first and then i hear this voice inside ave maria ave maria ave maria
她失去了在这么多不同的方式在黑暗中没有任何指导我知道的成本失去手但有宽限期神去字母i 我发现地球上的天堂你是我最后一次,我的第一次然后我听到这个声音里面圣母颂我一直在独自当我周围的朋友怎么能保持沉默如此响亮但我还是回家知道,我有你还有时,只有我们的灯光下去你是我的地球上的天堂你是我饥饿,我渴我总是听到这个声音里面唱圣母颂有时爱可以和你的通行证当您忙于计划突然打你,然后你实现它在你的手中,你有宝宝理解你是我的地球上的天堂你是我的最后,我的第一次然后我听到这个声音里面圣母颂圣母颂圣母颂
At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.
It is 1938. In Nonnberg Abbey in Austria, as the nuns gather for evening prayers it becomes apparent that the postulant, Maria Rainer, is not among them. Maria is out on the mountain, singing of the joy she finds in nature, and she returns to the Abbey late, as usual. The Mother Abbess and her assistants are forced to conclude Maria is not yet ready for the religious life.
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Ave Maria:圣母玛丽亚
因古诺(Gounod)将其使用於「圣母玛丽亚(Ave Maria)」之伴奏而著名. 技术上不太困难,但它是很难弹奏正确的曲子. 右手容易弹成三连音,故应予注意. pp之处避免琴音完全消失,也需要确实地打键. 资料参考:小奏鸣曲集
第卜三章/除夕我在许多年前第一次读到里尔克的全名中有"玛丽亚"(Maria)的字眼,还以为这是位女诗人. 有的译者仿佛是为避讳,译成了具有男子气的"马利亚",其用心是好的,但做法是错的. 这位20世纪德语诗歌的旗手本来就有一个女性化的名字,
今年第12号台风"派比安"和第13号热带风暴"玛莉亚"正在影响我国沿海地区. "派比安"(PRAPIROON)是泰国语,意为"雨神";"玛莉亚"(MARIA)是英语,是美国常用的女性名字. 它们的命名都是有着严格规定的.
但是甲骨文公司几年前收购了这款软件. MySQL目前正在研发一款名为"猎鹰"(Falcon)的替代产品,预期将与MySQL 6.0一同推出. 同时,MySQL早期的开发者之一Michael Widenius也正在研发一款名为"玛利亚"(Maria)的交易引擎,1月推出了它的早期版本.
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