英语人>词典>英汉 : Malacosoma的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Green tea vitamin C content of more TB produced Su-oxidation, the tea will become clear Malacosoma.


Everyone expect Johnson to have a good appearance, but I do not know from when you face a black spot Malacosoma or short films, that movie was the map-like or butterfly-shaped patch, so that the skin has lost the original MOISTURE some luster.


Prior to this I, like most dubious, but now is very confident because I have witnessed the success stories: my sister because of physical ailments for half a year to eat traditional Chinese medicine, escort guangzhou one day, we suddenly found her face, the original Malacosoma Grouper, freckles disappeared, faces pale and bright and clean a lot.


Stools were Malacosoma or a mixture of dilute water samples are undigested milk valve, and accompanied by pungent odor of rotten eggs, which indicates that the protein digestion and absorption of food there is an obstacle for such an infant food supplement should be reduced in food proteins.


更多网络解释与Malacosoma相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Malacosoma neustria testacea:天幕毛虫

黄褐天幕毛虫(Malacosoma neustria testacea)又叫天幕毛虫,俗称春粘虫、顶针虫等,属鳞翅目枯叶蛾科. 分布于辽宁、河北、河南、山东、山西、湖北、江苏、浙江等省,在北方果区发生普遍. 寄主有桃、李、杏、樱桃、苹果、梨、梅等果树及杨、柳等林木.

Malacosoma neustria testacea Motschulsky:黄褐天幕毛虫

2.2 美国白蛾[Hyphantria cunea (Drury)]幼虫与黄褐天幕毛虫(Malacosoma neustria testacea Motschulsky)幼虫的区分 这两种幼虫都在春季开始食叶为害,而且幼虫都有吐丝结网幕习性.

Malacosoma neustrla testacea Motschulsky:黄褐天幕毛虫

葡萄虎蛾Seudyra subflava Moore/276 | 黄褐天幕毛虫Malacosoma neustrla testacea Motschulsky/278 | 油松毛虫Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu/280

Malacosoma neustria:天幕毛虫

杨枯叶蛾 Gastropatha populifolia | 天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria | 白杨枯叶蛾 Bhima idiota

Malacosoma dentata Mell:棕色天幕毛虫

油茶枯叶蛾 Lebeda nobilis Walker | 棕色天幕毛虫 Malacosoma dentata Mell | ▲黄褐天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria testacea Motschulsky

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