MR ['mistə(r)]
- MR的基本解释
=Machine Rifle 冲锋枪
- 相似词
- Mr
- 与MR相关的情景对话
- 商务外贸 / 介绍信
I have a letter of introduction here.
Your name, please?
It‘s David Chou.
Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We‘ve been looking forward to this.
- 职场英语 / 求职面试
What is your strongest trait?
Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.
How would your friends or colleagues describe you?
They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.
What personality traits do you admire?
(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going./(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit.
- 更多 网络例句 与MR相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In order to catch up with the step of internationalization, to continually publicize the ARF-pioneered sustainable building formula GB + Symbiosis = SB and symbiotic concept, and to share with the world the achievements of sustainable building promotion in Taiwan, we formed a delegation of 27 members with TSSBE that were founded by the ARF to participate in the triennial World Sustainable Building Conference held at Melbourne (SB08Melbourne) after participating in the SB meeting in 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2005 and the iiSBE Prague Meeting in 2006. Members of the delegation led by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, also the president of TSSBE, include ex-CPAMI Director Lin Chin-rong, ABRI Director Ho Ming-chin, Chiu Chiung-yu PhD, Archilife Environ-Control Research Center Supervisor Prof. Chiang Che-ming, Archilife Living Research Center Supervisor Prof. Su Ching-hua, and Assistant Cheng Wei-ning; research project principal investigators Mr. Li Yen-yi; Mr. Chou Po-cheng; Miss Tang Shu-chen; Mr. Wang Wen-an; Mr. Chen Tai-an; Mr. Lin Fang-ming; Mr. Chung Sung-chin; Mr. Lin De-en; Mr. Luo Yang-ching; Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin; Mr. Chen Nien-tsu; and members of TSSBE and participants of SB07 Taipei, including Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, Mr. Chung Po-ren, Mr. Hsiao Ruey-lin, Mr. Cheng cheng-li, Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng, Miss Kuo Yi-chun, and Miss Chen Chiu-yu, the assistant.
为贯彻祐生国际化的脚步、持续宣导首创之永续建筑公式GB+Symbiosis=SB与共生化理念,并向全世界分享台湾推动永续建筑之成果,继组团参与1998、2000、2002、2005之永续建筑系列国际性会议及2006年iiSBE布拉格会议后,2008年由本会参与设立的社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会及祐生组团共27人前往澳洲墨尔本参加三年一度的永续建筑国际会议SB08Melbourne,并由身兼社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会理事长的黄晋英秘书长担任团长,团员包括:前内政部营建署林钦荣署长、内政部建研所何明锦所长与邱琼玉博士、祐生环控研究中心指导教授江哲铭教授、祐生生活研究中心指导教授苏庆华教授、助理郑玮宁小姐、奖助研究案主持人李彦颐先生、周伯丞先生、汤淑贞小姐、王文安先生、陈泰安先生、林芳铭先生、钟松晋先生、戴永禔先生、林得恩先生、罗阳青先生、钟政勋先生、陈念祖先生及社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会号召之会员与曾参与SB07 Taipei国际会议之人士,如李创源先生、张桂凤小姐、钟博任先生、萧睿麟先生、郑政利先生、刘光盛先生、郭怡君小姐及团长助理陈秋玉小姐等。
As the main supporting institutions of Green Globe 21 in China, SEPA and NIES spare no efforts in promoting Green Globe 21 Sustainable Tourism Standards. Our thanks also go to Mr. Sheng Fei and Ms.Chen Yue from the China National Certification and Accreditation Administration, Mr. Yang Chaofei from the Department of Policies and Legal Affairs, SEPA, Mr. Wan Bentai and Mr. Zhu Guangqing from the Department of Nature Environmental Conservation, SEPA, Mr. Zhao Keqiang and Mr. Miao Xubo from NIES, SEPA, Mr. Chen Tianlai from Zhejiang University, Mr. Zhang Shanyun from Sichuan Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, Ms.Tian Xingmin from Sichuan Tourism College, Mr. Yuan Shijun from Sichuan Forestry Department, Ms. Er Pingling from China Daily, Organizations such as WIT Assessment of Hangzhou, Conservation International Sichuan Office, World Wildlife Fund Sichuan Office, The Nature Conservancy China, and Austrade Offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Ningbo who are all active supporters of the notion of Green Globe 21 Sustainable Tourism.
Yet like Mr Cirelli and Mr de Romanet (and Mr Balladur and Mr Oudéa), both of Mr Sarkozy's nominees as bank chiefs, Mr Mariani and Mr Pérol, are énarques—as is Xavier Musca, Mr Pérol's replacement in the Elysée.
- 更多网络解释 与MR相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
许多美国人甚至觉得称呼"先生"(Mr)、"女士"(Mrs)或"夫人"(Miss)都不大自然、生硬呆板和过于正规. 你常常会听到已过中 年的人--甚至是一些年轻人--说:"就叫我萨利(或亨瑞或唐). " 这种要求直呼其名的做法是一种接纳和友好的表示.
比方P&G,强生,做厕纸的KIMBERLY CLARK, 或者受益于经济复苏的行业,尤以在危机中股价缩水最厉害的像 花旗,通用的股票,快递业,如UPS, 也可以挑选在美上市的中国的快速成长的行业领先企业股票,如迈瑞医疗(MR), 楼宇广告寡头分
后来在50、60和70年代,第6中队继续执行海上侦察(MR)和海空救援(ASR)角色,另外还有运输支援等任务. 在这期间的绝大部分时间里,第6中队驾驶的都是B-24解放者轰炸机,这是印度空军武器清单中最老的一型飞机,
又分为前置先驱动(Front engine,Front drive,简称FF,常见情势),前置后驱(FR,BMW常用情势),后置后驱(RR,跑车常用),中置后驱(MR)还有全轮驱动,以及策动机无关也不会商了策动机还有按每一缸阀门(VBLVE)数分类的,
Mr:abbr. mn rate; 微核率
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