MEV [mev]
- MEV的基本解释
[军] Medical Evacuation Vehicle, 医疗后送车
[物] 兆电子伏
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The influences of the shock thickness and Alfven waves on the particle acceleration by diffusive shock waves are numerically studied through solving one-dimensional diffusive equation including the second-order Fermi effect. It is shown that the spectral index of the energetic particles strongly depends on the shock thickness. For example, the spectral index increases from 2.1 to 3.7 in the low energy range of 3-10 MeV and from 2.5 to 5.0 in the high energy range of 20-60 MeV as the thickness increases. The spectral index decreases from 4.3 to 3.1 as the particle injection energy increases. The spectral index decreases from 4.0 to 1.8 at the quasi-steady stage with the enhancement of the compression ratio from 2 to 4. The results indicate that under the influence of Alfven waves, the energetic particle spectrum at lower energy becomes flat and the spectral index decreases from 2.5 to 0.6 in the low energy range of 3-10 MeV and from 11.6 to 5.0 in the high energy range of 20-60 MeV. At the same time, the rollover energy reaches 19.6 MeV. The spectral index decreases from 5.8 to 2.9 as the energy density of Alfven waves increase. All these results are basically consistent with the theoretical models, as well as the observations of typical energetic particle events.
Basing on the view point of the α particle structure of the 12 c nucleus,the form factor and the transition form factor of the α particle in 12 c nucleus are as inputs,the inelastic scattering of pion-12c for 2+(4.43 mev) and 3-(9.64 mev) at tπ=150,180 mev are studied within glauber scattering theory.the calculated differential cross sections show better agreement with the experimental data.
从12c原子核的α粒子结构观点出发,应用12c原子核内α粒子的形状因子和跃迁形状因子,在glauber散射理论框架下,计算了共振区内能量为tπ=150,180 mev,π-12c的2+(4.43 mev)和3-(9.64 mev)非弹性散射微分截面。理论结果与实验较好8 t tt 8.c o m 地符合。
Proton events in general only occur in SAA region while electron events appear at both SAA and polar regions.Electron flux of 0 5~2 0?MeV in polar regions is dominant over that of 2~15?MeV,while at SAA,fluxes from the two channels are about the same.There is a close correlation between energetic particle radiation inside and outside the satellite.
- 更多网络解释 与MEV相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
或 b) 来自机械源的,在5 兆电子伏(MeV)或低于5兆电子伏操作的X射线,或 c) 由机械源产生的,在10兆电子伏或低于10兆电子伏操作的电子 - 吸收剂量取决于本措施草案所附的辐照目的,但总吸收剂量不得超过10 KGray - 辐照设备应当由主管部门批准,
35.losetup命令:设置循环设备 | 36.mev命令:监视鼠标情况 | 37.minfo命令:显示MS-DOS文件系统的各项参数
MeV:abbr. million electron volts; 兆电子伏特
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